Driven by data | Director of Library Assessment learns data science through Illinois’ online MCS-DS to transform her work measuring performance and resources of libraries

Jen-chien Yu, a student in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Master of Computer Science in Data Science (MCS-DS) program, is a wonderful example of how online learners can immediately start to apply their new knowledge to their professional field. Yu has been able to apply skills in areas of study like Machine Learning, Data […]
The post Driven by data |…

Director of Library Assessment transforms her work measuring library performance with Illinois MCS-DS

Jen-chien Yu, a student in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Master of Computer Science in Data Science (MCS-DS) program, is a wonderful example of how online learners can immediately start to apply their new knowledge to their professional field. Yu has been able to apply skills in areas of study like Machine Learning, Data […]
The post Director of Library Assessment…

Ohio Neighborhood Temporarily Evacuated Over Misplaced Fears of a Homemade Nuclear Reactor

“A 911 call Thursday led to a precautionary evacuation of an entire street in a Northwest Side neighborhood in Columbus over concerns about a possible small nuclear reactor and alpha waves reported by a resident who said he sustained burns in his garage on the device,” acocrding to the Columbus Dispatch. Slashdot reader k6mfw shared their report: In the end, authorities…

University in U-turn over Mars ‘insects’ research

A press release concerning an Ohio University scientist’s discovery of insects on Mars has been taken down. The original paper, which contends that th… Source:…

Anonymous Hacker Gets Six Years In Prison For DDoS Attacks

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: An Ohio man was sentenced last month to six years in prison for a series of DDoS attacks against websites for the city of Akron, Ohio, and the Akron police department. The man, 33-year-old James Robinson, was arrested in May 2019 and pleaded guilty to all accusations, most of which were easy to…

Photos show evidence of life on Mars, Ohio entomologist claims

As scientists scramble to determine whether there is life on Mars, Ohio University Professor Emeritus William Romoser’s research shows that we already have the evidence, courtesy of photographs from various Mars rovers. Source:…

Lessons From the Cyberattack On India’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant

Dan Drollette shares an article by two staffers at the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory from The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. “Indian officials acknowledged on October 30th that a cyberattack occurred at the country’s Kudankulam nuclear power plant,” they write, adding that “According to last Monday’s Washington Post, Kudankulam is India’s biggest nuclear power plant, ‘equipped…