Finding An Accessible Path to Impactful Health Work with Michigan’s Online MPH Degree

University of Michigan’s School of Public Health is ranked in the top five public health research institutions in the US and is taught by leaders in the field. In the Population and Health Sciences Master of Public Health program you’ll get hands-on practical experience with community public health issues and gain expertise in the issue […]
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98.6 Degrees Fahrenheit Isn’t the Average Anymore

schwit1 shares a report from The Wall Street Journal: Nearly 150 years ago, [German physician Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich] analyzed a million temperatures from 25,000 patients and concluded that normal human-body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. In a new study, researchers from Stanford University argue that Wunderlich’s number was correct at the time but is no longer accurate because the human…

Could invisible aliens really exist among us? An astrobiologist explains

Life is pretty easy to recognise. It moves, it grows, it eats, it excretes, it reproduces. Simple. In biology, researchers often use the acronym “MRSGREN” to describe it. It stands for movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition. Source:…

‘Is Eating Red Meat OK, After All? Probably Not’

Remember last month when “an international collaboration of researchers” suggested there was no reason to reduce consumption of red meat? Here’s a response from Frank Hu, chairman of the Nutrition Department at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health:
The recent guidelines published in the Annals of Internal Medicine should not change existing recommendations on healthy and balanced eating patterns for…

Google Researchers Taught An AI To Recognize Smells

In a paper published on Arxiv, researchers from the Google Brain Team explain how they’re training AI to recognize smells. Engadget reports: The researchers created a data set of nearly 5,000 molecules identified by perfumers, who labeled the molecules with descriptions ranging from “buttery” to “tropical” and “weedy.” The team used about two-thirds of the data set to train its AI…

The last mammoths died on a remote island

A new study suggests that about 4,000 years ago, a combination of Isolation, extreme weather, and the arrival of humans on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean killed off Earth’s last population of mammoths. Source:…

Makers of Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Respond To Criticism of Healthfulness

Last week NBC News ran an opinion piece by a certified nutritionist arguing that plant-based/meat-free alternatives at major fast food chains “aren’t actually any healthier.” Bloomberg got a response from two of the major meat-substitute companies:
According to Impossible, the attacks are all part of a “smear campaign to sow fear and doubt about plant-based meat.” The company said its burgers and…

Soft Drinks, Including Sugar-Free, Linked To Increased Risk of Early Death

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: People who regularly consume soft drinks have a higher risk of an early death, researchers have found, with the trend seen for both sugared and artificially sweetened drinks. While experts say the study cannot prove soft drinks are a driver of an increased risk of death, they say the work — which…

How To Make Compost

We probably don’t need to tell you the benefits of compost for your soil. With a few easy steps you can grow bigger healthier plants and save your scraps from being turned into garbage. Plus, composting gives you the opportunity to see exactly what is going into your fertilizer. So enrich your soil, plants, and life…Continue Reading
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