Arcturus cuts through the galaxy’s disk

Arcturus isn’t moving solely within the flat disk of our Milky Way galaxy. It’s cutting perpendicularly through the disk. Millions of years from now, it’ll be lost from view, at least for those who are earthbound and looking with the eye alone. Source:…

Spica is a whirling double star

Spica’s 2 stars orbit a common center of gravity in only 4 days. Their mutual gravity distorts each star into an egg shape, with the pointed ends facing each other. Source:…

A Witch Named Isobel and a “Familiar” Creature

Within the practice of witchcraft there exists a creature that few outside of the craft will have any awareness of. It is a strange and often dangerous creature known as a familiar. When witchcraft was said to be rife across England in the 1500s and 1600s, it was widely believed that witches used small animals… Read more » Source:…

The Coma Cluster of galaxies

The Coma Cluster is one of the richest galaxy clusters known. How many suns and how many worlds might be located in this direction of space? Source:…

Paranormal Encounters at Japan’s Haunted Suicide Forest

At the foot of Japan’s iconic Mt. Fuji, lying sprawled amongst some of the most majestic scenery in Japan, lies the haunted destination of broken souls known as Aokigahara, often referred to as the “Sea of Trees” and more infamously as the demon infested “Suicide Forest.” Aokigahara Forest lies at the northwest base of the picturesque… Continue reading Paranormal Encounters at Japan’s Haunted Suicide Forest

American Gods Borrowed Some Magic From the Marvel Cinematic Universe This Week

Picture it: A group of ancient gods walk into a bar to put on a variety show, and two of the deities—the oldest and the youngest—have a falling out of epic proportions. A question similar to “what were you the god of, again?” is posed in an alley, and all hell breaks loose. This sort of stuff happens on American…

The Demon Wolf of the Far North

There is sometimes a fine line between myth and real creature. Many of the animals we know of today were originally considered pure legend and Native accounts, yet managed to turn out to be very real indeed. In other cases, known animals have been so tied up with the paranormal that if one were not… Continue reading The Demon Wolf of the Far North