Comics Writer Sina Grace Talks the Lack of Support He Received From Marvel While Writing Iceman

In 2017, writer and artist Sina Grace had a historically significant run on Iceman, a book we covered as it came out, in which the powerful mutant struggled as much with superheroic shenanigans as he did with the lived experience of life as a gay man, work for which he was nominated for a GLAAD award. According to its…Read more…Source:…

Jane Foster Is Becoming an Asgardian Valkyrie in Her New Marvel Series

During Jane Foster’s time as Thor, Asgardian goddess of thunder, she accomplished a number of things the Odinson never could and proved to the universe that her inherent heroism made her every bit as worthy as anyone who’d ever wielded Mjölnir before. In the time since Jane hung up her cape and helmet, she’s been…Read more…Source:…

Zenzi unleashes her deadly power in this Black Panther #11 exclusive

The current Black Panther title is a fascinating sci-fi remix of Wakandan concepts and characters, taking readers away from Earth as T’Challa finds himself in the middle of an intergalactic war with no memory of his past. He’s surrounded by new versions of significant figures from his past, and he’s getting closer to…Read more…Source:…

The Gifted’s Been Canceled, Bringing the Age of Fox’s X-Men Closer to Its End

As uneven as Fox’s X-Men movies have always been, with The Gifted, the studio seemingly found a way to tell a thoughtful story true to the X-Men’s origins as disenfranchised freedom fighters struggling to carve out a place for themselves in the world. After one excellent season, and a so-so followup that ended on a…Read more…Source:…

TIE Fighter, and Star Wars’ Idea of the Good Imperial

Today Marvel Comics launched TIE Fighter, a miniseries about an elite squadron of Imperial pilots who find treachery among their ranks. It ties into the upcoming novel Alphabet Squadron, starring an ex-TIE pilot who defects to the fledgling New Republic, but it got me thinking about another story of a TIE pilot, one…Read more…Source:…

In Dark Phoenix’s Final Trailer, Jean Grey Is Singing Her Swansong

With Dark Phoenix, Fox’s years-long X-Men franchise is coming to an end and, judging from the film’s final trailer, the conclusion to Jean Grey’s story is going to be as devastating as it is long overdue.Read more… Source:…

In Dark Phoenix’s Final Trailer, Jean Grey Sings Her Swansong

With Dark Phoenix, Fox’s years-long X-Men franchise is coming to an end and, judging from the film’s final trailer, the conclusion to Jean Grey’s story is going to be as devastating as it is long overdue.Read more…Source:…

The 10 Best Things That Happened at Star Wars Celebration Chicago

Star Wars Celebration 2019 is in the books and it marked probably the biggest, most action-packed Celebration yet. It was the first convention to reveal a title for a Star Wars saga movie, the first time anyone saw footage of a live-action Star Wars TV show, and oh so much more. Below, are our 10 favorite things that…Read more… Source:…

American Gods Borrowed Some Magic From the Marvel Cinematic Universe This Week

Picture it: A group of ancient gods walk into a bar to put on a variety show, and two of the deities—the oldest and the youngest—have a falling out of epic proportions. A question similar to “what were you the god of, again?” is posed in an alley, and all hell breaks loose. This sort of stuff happens on American…

Kamala Khan suffers a devastating loss in this Magnificent Ms. Marvel #2 exclusive

Given that she’s a teenager still living at home, Kamala Khan has had to deal with a lot of parental drama during her time as the superhero Ms. Marvel. A big part of that drama is her secret identity, and while she told her mother about her alter ego when they thought the world was… Continue reading Kamala Khan suffers a devastating loss in this Magnificent Ms. Marvel #2 exclusive