TikTok Plans To Odd 10,000 Jobs in US as Trump Admin Considers Banning It

TikTok said Tuesday that it plans to create 10,000 jobs in the United States over the next three years, a substantial increase from the roughly 1,400 employees it currently has in the country. From a report: The announcement comes as the company faces mounting criticism over its handling of user data and its ties to China through its parent company, ByteDance….

TikTok Plans To Add 10,000 Jobs in US as Trump Admin Considers Banning It

TikTok said Tuesday that it plans to create 10,000 jobs in the United States over the next three years, a substantial increase from the roughly 1,400 employees it currently has in the country. From a report: The announcement comes as the company faces mounting criticism over its handling of user data and its ties to China through its parent company, ByteDance….

TikTok Pulls Out of Hong Kong

AmiMoJo quotes TechCrunch: TikTok announced that it would pull out of Hong Kong, which is facing an unprecedented wave of control from the Beijing government after the promulgation of the national security law. “In light of recent events, we’ve decided to stop operations of the TikTok app in Hong Kong,” said a TikTok spokesperson. The company declined further comment on the…

Is Slashdot the Answer to Facebook’s Fake News Problem?

David Collier-Brown led the Sun Microsystems Canada team specializing in performance and capacity planning. He later becoming a consulting systems programmer and performance engineer, as well as an O’Reilly author (co-authoring the 2003 book Using Samba). He’s also davecb, Slashdot reader #6,526, and today submitted a story headlined “Slashdot is the answer to Facebook’s ‘fake news’ problem.” “OK, not the whole…

Justice Dept. Urges Rolling Back Legal Shield for Tech Companies

The Justice Department released recommendations on Wednesday to pare back the legal shield for online platforms that has been crucial to their growth since the earliest days of the internet, taking a direct shot at companies like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube that have come into the cross hairs of the Trump administration. From a report: In a 25-page recommendation, the agency…

Reddit’s CEO Promises More Moderator Involvement in Shaping Corporate Policy

Reddit is vowing more changes after its co-founder Alexis Ohanian resigned and requested they replace him with a black candidate. First Reddit’s other co-founder (and current CEO) Steve Huffman, calls it “a request that the board and I will honor.” But in a post on Reddit yesterday, CEO Huffman announced additional steps they’ll take, reports Mashable:
Huffman said the company will focus…

Lawsuit Says Trump’s Social Media Crackdown Violates Free Speech

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: President Trump’s crackdown on social media companies faced a new legal challenge on Tuesday, as a technology policy organization claimed in a lawsuit that he violated the companies’ right to free speech with his executive order aimed at curtailing their legal protections. The nonprofit Center for Democracy and Technology says…

What Would The Internet Look Like If America Repeals Section 230?

“REVOKE 230!” President Trump tweeted Friday, and NPR reports that the movement to revoke its safeguards “is increasingly becoming a bipartisan consensus… But experts caution that eliminating the legal protections may have unintended consequences for Internet users that extend far beyond Facebook and Twitter.” “We don’t think about things like Wikipedia, the Internet Archive and all these other public goods that…

No Signal review: Extreme track and trace pits liberty against society

When everything is recorded by an implant in the brain, people become paragons of moderation – but this societal bliss isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, finds Sally Adee Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24632840-400-no-signal-review-extreme-track-and-trace-pits-liberty-against-society/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

White Supremacists Built a Website To Doxx Interracial Couples

White supremacists have reportedly built a website that names, shames, and effectively promotes violence against interracial couples and families — “and it’s been circulated in some of the darkest corners of the internet, including in neo-Nazi Discord servers and accelerationist Telegram channels,” reports VICE News. An anonymous reader shares the report: The website was created in April but was taken offline…