Fantasy and Sci-Fi Author Debra Doyle, 1952-2020

Long-time Slashdot reader serviscope_minor wanted to remind us that 2020 also saw the death of science fiction/fantasy author Debra Doyle at the age of 67 from a sudden cardiac event. “Her works were co-written with her husband, James D. Macdonald,” notes her entry on Wikipedia: Her first work written with Macdonald was “Bad Blood” in 1988. Their novel Knight’s Wyrd was…

What causes sun pillars or light pillars?

Sun pillars, or light pillars, are shafts of light extending from the sun or other bright light sources under the right atmospheric conditions. They’re caused by ice crystals drifting in Earth’s air. Source:…

The Search for Dark Matter Is Dramatically Expanding

Ever since astronomers reached a consensus in the 1980s that most of the mass in the universe is invisible — that “dark matter” must glue galaxies together and gravitationally sculpt the cosmos as a whole — experimentalists have hunted for the nonluminous particles. From a report: They first set out in pursuit of a heavy, sluggish form of dark matter called…

What’s the birthstone for October?

If you were born in October, your birth month has 2 birthstones: opal and tourmaline. Source:…

EPA Approves Two Lysol Products as the First To Effectively Kill Novel Coronavirus on Surfaces

The US Environmental Protection Agency has approved two Lysol products as effective against the novel coronavirus when used on hard, non-porous surfaces. From a report: Lysol Disinfectant Spray and Lysol Disinfectant Max Cover Mist meet the EPA’s criteria for use against the SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the ongoing pandemic, based on laboratory testing that found both products kill the virus…

Longing for the sea? Check out these photos

Thanks to all in the EarthSky community who honored World Oceans Day by contributing these awesome photos. Source:…