Almost a Third of Recovered COVID-19 Patients Return To Hospital In Five Months, One In Eight Die

According to new research from Leicester University and the Office for National Statistics (NS), almost a third of recovered COVID-19 patients will end up back in the hospital within five months and one in eight will die. Yahoo News reports via The Telegraph: Out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, 29.4 per cent were readmitted…

Fantasy and Sci-Fi Author Debra Doyle, 1952-2020

Long-time Slashdot reader serviscope_minor wanted to remind us that 2020 also saw the death of science fiction/fantasy author Debra Doyle at the age of 67 from a sudden cardiac event. “Her works were co-written with her husband, James D. Macdonald,” notes her entry on Wikipedia: Her first work written with Macdonald was “Bad Blood” in 1988. Their novel Knight’s Wyrd was…

How-to guide for CPR in space may help treat astronaut cardiac arrest

Nobody has experienced cardiac arrest in space yet, but such a medical emergency might occur in future – and now we have some tips for how to handle the problem Source:…