Astronomers map our local cosmic void

Our universe is a tapestry of galaxy congregations and vast voids. An international team of astronomers has now published a new study revealing more of this cosmic structure as it appears surrounding our Milky Way. Source:…

Behold the Ingenious Musical Marble Machine

Could the return of marble-based madness be a reaction to our digital age? That we must construct real fantastical machines that perform humble amusements in the face of CGI-filled blockbusters? Do we need to know that if society collapses we can look to members of the Swedish folktronic band Wintergatan to help rebuild it? After […]

Behold the Ingenious Musical Marble Machine…

8 Silent Films Every Sci-Fi and Horror Fan Should See

Genre films have been around basically as long as cinema itself—which means audiences have been shrieking at monsters and marveling at space adventures for over 100 years. Technology may have changed rather dramatically, but a lot of the core stories are still remarkably similar.Read more…Source:…