The Ground Rules of Life & Existence

Jed Shlackman – Have you ever considered the idea that you create your own personal reality? Source:…

6 Ways to Use Your Smartphone More Wisely

Sofia Adamson – Instead of mindlessly staying glued to your screen, consider limiting the use of your smartphone to only these features and apps. Source:…

5 Simple Ways to Change Your Life With the Law of Attraction

Heather Mathews – Starting today, you can apply these five tips to create ripples of change in your life. Source:…

Mysterious Cherokee Inscriptions in Alabama Cave Decoded

Fun fact: I’m not named after a tree. Nor am I named after a popular large SUV. I, like a great many other folks, am named after a person far cooler than I will ever be. Sequoyah was a Cherokee silversmith who lived from 1770 to 1843 who accomplished something pretty unreasonably awesome. He created,… Continue reading Mysterious Cherokee Inscriptions in Alabama Cave Decoded

Why I Practiced Tonglen in a Mosque

After the New Zealand mass shooting, a Buddhist practitioner reflects on praying with her Muslim neighbors.
The post Why I Practiced Tonglen in a Mosque appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

The Karmic Impact of Mass Incarceration

Morgan Leyenberger, director of Compassion Works for All, on why she fighting for criminal justice reform in Arkansas.  
The post The Karmic Impact of Mass Incarceration appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

How to Use Your Senses to Awaken Your Brain

As miraculous as the human brain is, it would be worthless without the senses that connect us to the outside word. Any time you use one of the five senses—touch, sight, hearing, smell, or taste—you are receiving messages directly from the world around you. Together, they give us our perception of the world and our […] Source:…

Exercise Is Important for Physical AND Spiritual Health

Everyone already knows that exercise is important for your body’s fitness. But did you know that it’s critical for your mental and spiritual health as well? One might even say that it is the foundation of wellness for the entire being—body, mind, and spirit. The Science Supporting Exercise Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the importance […] Source:…