Ouija Board Poetics

Poet Stephen Yenser talks about Ouija boards, devotion, duplicity, and James Merrill’s epic poem The Changing Light at Sandover.
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Yoga Tales

Yogi psychonaut Spiros Antonopoulos talks about Crowley, Patanjali, Ashtanga yoga, and the gifts of practice.
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Higher Intelligence

Gurdjieffean teacher and writer Anthony Blake talks about Higher Intelligence, will, nature, and the trouble with “tools.”
The post Higher Intelligence appeared first on Techgnosis. Source: https://techgnosis.com/higher-intelligence/…

Psychedelic Dharma

Host Erik Davis does a solo show on Beat Zen, the Fifth Precept, tantric heresy, and the emerging Psychedelic Sangha.
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Tarot Artistry

Tarot expert Mary Greer talks about Pamela Colman Smith, the celebrated Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, Jung’s active imagination, and the art of illustration.
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Reality Physics

Astrophysicist and author Adam Becker talks about Schrödinger’s cat, quantum philosophy, his beef with the Copenhagen interpretation, and his book What is Reality?
The post Reality Physics appeared first on Techgnosis. Source: https://techgnosis.com/reality-physics/…