Stet!, the Hot New Language Game

The game Stet!, a spinoff of the book “Dreyer’s English,” is an excellent way to prepare for a copy-editing test and pairs well with a gin-and-tonic. Mary Norris, writing for The New Yorker: Nerdsday fell on a Tuesday this year, and I invited a friend over for a doubleheader: a round of Stet!, the new language game based on “Dreyer’s English,”…

AI Site Claims Simulated Conversations With Famous Dead Scientists

Slashdot reader shirappu writes: AI|Writer is an experiment in which artificial intelligence is used to simulate both real and fictitious famous personalities through written correspondence. Users can ask questions and receive explanations from simulated versions of Isaac Newton, Alfred Hitchcock, Marie Curie, Mary Shelley, and many more. The Next Web calls it “a new experiment by magician and novelist Andrew Mayne,”…

Security Cameras Can Tell Burglars When You’re Not Home, Study Shows

schwit1 shares a report from CNN: Some popular home security cameras could allow would-be burglars to work out when you’ve left the building, according to a study published Monday. Researchers found they could tell if someone was in, and even what they were doing in the home, just by looking at data uploaded by the camera and without monitoring the video…

New Free Speech Site Gets in a Tangle Over … Free Speech

The social network bills itself as a ‘no censorship’ bastion — but it’s already had to remind users what is and isn’t allowed. From a report: In recent weeks, Donald Trump has started having his tweets factchecked and published with disclaimers when they contain misleading information. Katie Hopkins, the woman who once compared migrants to cockroaches and called for a “final…

World’s Pile of Electronic Waste Grows Ever Higher: Study

The world’s mountain of discarded flat-screen TVs, cellphones and other electronic goods grew to a record high last year, according to an annual report released Thursday. New submitter Splyncryth writes: The U.N.-backed study estimated the amount of e-waste that piled up globally in 2019 at 53.6 million metric tonnes (59.1 million tons) – almost 2 million metric tons more than the…

NASA names headquarters building for ‘hidden figure’ Mary Jackson

NASA is recognizing one of its “hidden figures” by naming its headquarters in Washington, D.C. after Mary Jackson, the first African American female engineer to work at the space agency. Source:

NASA renames Washington HQ for ‘Hidden Figures’ trailblazer

NASA said Wednesday that it will rename its Washington headquarters after its first black female engineer, Mary Jackson, whose story was told in the hit film “Hidden Figures.” Source:…

Hummingbirds see colors we can only imagine

“Our experiments enabled us to get a sneak peek into what the world looks like to a hummingbird,” one scientist said. Source:…

Astronomers discover how long-lived Peter Pan discs evolve

New research from scientists at Queen Mary University of London has revealed how long-lived Peter Pan discs form, which could provide new insights into how planets arise. Source:…