Stet!, the Hot New Language Game

The game Stet!, a spinoff of the book “Dreyer’s English,” is an excellent way to prepare for a copy-editing test and pairs well with a gin-and-tonic. Mary Norris, writing for The New Yorker: Nerdsday fell on a Tuesday this year, and I invited a friend over for a doubleheader: a round of Stet!, the new language game based on “Dreyer’s English,”…

Building Your Own Open Source, Privacy-Protecting Voice Assistant With A Raspberry Pi

PC Magazine’s “tech nerd” Whitson Gordon writes that “Once you start using a smart speaker to set reminders, play the news, or turn the lights on, it’s hard to go back.” But if you want the convenience of voice control without the data-collecting tech giant behind the scenes, an open-source project called Mycroft is a great alternative. And you can run…

‘Because Science’ Demonstrates Turing Completeness of Magic: The Gathering

New submitter jklappenbach writes: Further cementing Kyle Hill’s nerd creds, he’s just released a YouTube video [via Because Science] where he demonstrates how Magic: The Gathering can be used to construct a Turing Machine, using both a specifically-constructed deck and the current rules of the game (except the ability to pull cards from all of history). Kyle posted the full setup…