Bronx Teenager Who Became a Symbol for Ending Cash Bail Is Arrested on Slashing Charge

Pedro Hernandez, 19, who has accused the police of framing him in the past, was charged with slashing a man during a robbery. Source:

7 Stories Up, a ‘Coping Stone’ Strikes Construction Worker, Killing Him

A 51-year-old man was suspended on a scaffold as he did facade repair work on a brick building in Manhattan when he was hit in the head by a heavy stone slab. Source:

A Cuomo Insider Was a Big Money Lobbyist Who Drove a Porsche. Then Came a Stunning Fall.

Todd Howe, a star witness in a Cuomo administration scandal, received no prison time after cooperating with prosecutors. He’s now a groundskeeper in Idaho. Source:

Michael Cohen’s Lawyers Say He Could Aid Trump Inquiries, if Only He Had More Time Out of Prison

The president’s former fixer has millions of documents and recordings that he thinks would interest Congress. But he is due to report to prison on May 6. Source:

N.Y. Attorney General Sues Manhattan Stem Cell Clinic, Citing Rogue Therapies

Echoing F.D.A. concerns, the state’s top prosecutor accused Park Avenue Stem Cell of charging thousands of dollars for unproven, unregulated treatments. Source:

Congestion Pricing Is Coming. Now Everyone Wants a Break.

Drivers will pay a toll to enter the heart of Manhattan. From tour buses to motorcycles, many people are complaining and asking for an exemption. Source:

Spared From the Shredder (for Now): ‘Priceless’ Bank Records of Old New York

A bank is cleaning out its basement in Brooklyn. Archivists want to save a trove of Bowery Savings Bank papers from destruction. Source: