Social distancing: What it is and why it’s the best tool to fight coronavirus

With no vaccines or treatments, the fight against coronavirus comes down to this behavioral technique. A physician explains how it works. Source:…

Trump Puts Mike Pence In Charge of Response To Coronavirus, Says US Risk ‘Remains Very Low’

Vice President Mike Pence will be put in charge of the U.S. response to the deadly coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday in an address from the White House. CNBC reports: Trump, in a rare appearance in the White House briefing room, maintained that the risk to the U.S. from the virus “remains very low,” amid global fears that a…

Apple Liable For Millions In Unpaid Wages After Court Rules Retail Worker Bag Checks Illegal

The California Supreme Court in a decision (PDF) delivered on Thursday found Apple broke state law by not paying retail workers for the time they spent participating in mandatory bag and device searches, leaving the company liable for millions in unpaid wages. AppleInsider reports: In a unanimous ruling, the court holds employees were and are in Apple’s control during mandatory exit…

Frustration Grows In China As Face Masks Compromise Facial Recognition

schwit1 shares a report from Quartz: Face masks are mandatory in at least two provinces in China, including the city of Wuhan. In an effort to contain the coronavirus strain that has caused nearly 500 deaths, the government is insisting that millions of residents wear protective face covering when they go out in public. As millions don masks across the country,…

IBM’s Debating AI Just Got a Lot Closer To Being a Useful Tool

We make decisions by weighing pros and cons. Artificial intelligence has the potential to help us with that by sifting through ever-increasing mounds of data. But to be truly useful, it needs to reason more like a human. An artificial intelligence technique known as argument mining could help. From a report: IBM has just taken a big step in that direction….

How Cruise Ships Bring 1,200 Tons of Toxic Fumes To Brooklyn a Year

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey agreed to introduce [a $21 million plug-in station] in Red Hook several years ago in an effort to eliminate 1,200 tons of carbon dioxide, 25 tons of nitrous oxide and tons of hazardous particulate matter spewed…

Trump Administration Drops Plans For Mandatory Face Scans of Citizens

schwit1 shares a report from U.S. News & World Report: The Department of Homeland Security is dropping plans to propose a regulation requiring all travelers — including U.S. citizens — to have their photos taken and faces scanned by facial recognition technology when entering and exiting the country, according to multiple reports. The proposed rule was slated to be issued in…

Russia To Upgrade Homegrown Encyclopedia After Putin Pans Wikipedia

Russia is to set up a new online site for its national encyclopedia after President Vladimir Putin said Wikipedia was unreliable and should be replaced. From a report: The move will ensure people can find “reliable information that is constantly updated on the basis of scientifically verified sources of knowledge,” a government resolution said. Putin last month proposed replacing the crowd-sourced…

DHS Wants Airport Face Recognition Scans To Include US Citizens

The Department of Homeland Security wants to expand facial recognition scans in the airport to also include citizens, which had previously been exempt from the mandatory checks. TechCrunch reports: In a filing, the department has proposed that all travelers, and not just foreign nationals or visitors, will have to complete a facial recognition check before they are allowed to enter the…