Male mantises fight females to mate – but they get eaten if they lose

Female praying mantises often attack their mates during a sexual encounter, but some males attack too – and if they fail to win the fight they end up as lunch Source:…

What Are You Paying For in a $300 Chess Set? Mostly the Knights

If you bought a wooden chess set after watching “The Queen’s Gambit,” the price you paid was most likely dictated by just four pieces. From a report: The knights alone can account for as much as 50 percent of the cost of a nice wooden set. While the rest of the pieces can be machine-made, the knights are carved by hand…

Baboons that live together in tight-knit groups have similar ‘accents’

Male Guinea baboons that live in gangs produce grunts that sound more like one another than those outside their group, similar to human accents Source:…

A Private Company Has a Crew Going To the ISS Next Year

Axiom Space has signed three private astronauts to join former NASA astronaut Michael Lopez-AlegrÃa on Ax-1, the first private mission into orbit and to the International Space Station. From a report: In March, Axiom Space announced plans to launch “history’s first fully private human spaceflight mission to the International Space Station.” The mission, dubbed Ax-1, would go forward using SpaceX’s Crew…

Some male spiders tie up females before mating to avoid being eaten

Thanatus fabricii spiders forego courtship dances: instead, they attack females and bind them with silk before mating, perhaps because the females would otherwise eat the males Source:…

Body Found In Canada Identified As Neo-Nazi Spam King

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Krebs On Security: The body of a man found shot inside a burned out vehicle in Canada three years ago has been identified as that of Davis Wolfgang Hawke, a prolific spammer and neo-Nazi who led a failed anti-government march on Washington, D.C. in 1999, according to news reports. Homicide detectives said they originally…

Here are 3 amazing feats of spiders

Halloween time is spider time. Three amazing spider skills you might not have known about. Source:…

Some male fish use their tails to fan rivals’ sperm away from eggs

To boost their chances of fertilising a nest-load of eggs, male dusky frillgoby fish use their tailfin to fan away the sperm deposited by rivals Source:…