Modernizing Workforce Development Programs for the Jobs of the Future

By Kevin Mills, Head of Government Partnerships  COVID-19 is reshaping the labor market. The devastating economic slowdown caused by the pandemic has impacted hundreds of millions of workers globally and eliminated more than 40% of jobs. In the United States, unemployment remains high, while job vacancies have started to disappear due to accelerated automation. For […]
The post Modernizing Workforce Development Programs…

Election Officials Are Vulnerable To Exim Security Vulnerability, Report Shows

whh3 writes: The Wall Street Journal has an “exclusive” scoop about a report detailing that several counties host their own mail servers using a version of Exim that is vulnerable to exploitation (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source), exposing electing officials to potential interference during the upcoming cycle. “[Cybersecurity vendor Area 1 Security Inc.] found that officials in six small jurisdictions in…

Dark Sky Sanctuary established in New England

Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine was certified as a Dark Sky Sanctuary on May 8, 2020. Source:…

Longing for the sea? Check out these photos

Thanks to all in the EarthSky community who honored World Oceans Day by contributing these awesome photos. Source:…

Photos of April’s Lyrid meteor shower

The Lyrids end the “meteor drought” that happens each year between early January and April. Enjoy these photos of the April 2020 Lyrid meteor shower from the EarthSky community. Thanks to all who contributed! Source:…

Submit your #SocialDistanceSelfie

How’re you doing out there? We want to see you and hear from you! Post your selfie at EarthSky Facebook, or at EarthSky Community Photos, or in the comments section of this post. Source:…

Federal Report Warns US is Unready For a Cyberattack

The U.S. should take a slew of steps today to prevent a major cyberattack that could wreak wide-scale devastation on the U.S., a year-long study mandated by Congress reported Wednesday. From a report: “A major cyberattack on the nation’s critical infrastructure and economic system would create chaos and lasting damage exceeding that wreaked by fires in California, floods in the Midwest,…