Submit your #SocialDistanceSelfie

Man in mask with guitar making hand signs

View at Earthsky Community Photos. | Matt Varacalli of Brooklyn, New York, said, “Practicing my guitar, social distancing and trying to have fun while being safe.”

Smiling, waving woman.

Kelly Mitchell said: “Hello from the south coast of England. In for another 11 days then seeing if I have a job? But my kids are with me and we are well! Hello to you all.”

Man standing in front of a big telescope inside a frame building.

“Getting ready for comets tonight,” said Tom Wildoner of the Dark Side Observatory.

Woman with a black-and-white cat.

Eryne Thibeau wrote: “#alonetogether in Maine.”

Man in face mask and latex gloves making a V sign, in front of Canadian flag flying from a tall flagpole.

David Aylsworth wrote: “Keeping safe in Burlington, Canada.”

Man lounging in desk chair holding a bottle of whiskey.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Dr Ski wrote of this March 22 photo from Valencia, Philippines: “Quarantine gives me plenty of time to plan tonight’s observing session (the Southern Milky Way, I think). The whisky is part of my self-medication regimen. Only after noon.”

Woman in foreground holding a wine glass; man in background dancing.

Sally Cawdery wrote: “Isolating with some banging tunes in Newark UK.” Thanks, Sally!

Woman holding her hand in front of her face.

Sandee Wilson said: “Cleaning and rearranging my living space, this may take a while! It’s been cloudy so no star gazing from my patio.” Thanks, Sandee!

Smiling woman with a great big black-and-white dog.

Dawn DeFrank said: “A little crazy in Cleveland, Ohio.”

Black and white spotted cat sleeping on a TV remote control.

Daniel Hansen wrote: “Doing pretty well. Good thing I’m an introvert.” Me, too, Daniel. Finally, introverts win!

Plus we heard from:

Barry Allen: “Hanging out with a house full of critters in Bedford, TX. No observations due to two weeks of rain every single day. Doing some much needed telescope maintenance.”

Mysti Turner: “So far so good, sunshine helps. Mostly just want to see a much flatter curve.”

Radu Brotoiu: “Stay at home.”

Haneean Al Isnaad Mareean: “If you are out for a walk, please follow health guidelines.”

Raylenee Keys: “With all the stress/anxiety going on, last night, all geared up, I went to take the trash and I looked up. There was Orion, the moon to its right, Castor and Pollux, Ursa Major. And it almost felt like nothing was going on just like magic. Thanks, Universe, for looking down on me. I am not alone.”

Bottom line: Thanks to everyone who contributed to our #SocialDistancingSelfies and comments. Post your photo at EarthSky Community Photos, on EarthSky Facebook, or in the comment section of this post. Now go wash your hands!
