November’s young moon and December’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction

As darkness falls on November 18-21, 2020, use the moon to locate Jupiter and Saturn. Their conjunction will be December 21. Watch into December as these 2 giant worlds draw close! Source:…

What is the moon’s terminator line?

The moon’s terminator is the dividing line between day and night on the moon. As we see it from Earth, it marks the line of lunar sunsets or sunrises. Earth and other worlds in our solar system have terminator lines, too. Source:…

Diwali 2020 shines in this ashram, despite Covid-19

Images of Diwali 2020 from an ashram in India. Source:…

Young moon at dusk; meteors after midnight

On November 16, 17, 18 and 19, 2020, enjoy the beautiful presence of a waxing crescent moon covered over in earthshine in the west after sunset. Then, after midnight, watch for meteors in the annual Leonid meteor shower. Source:…

Why not an eclipse at every full and new moon?

In 2020, there are 12 new moons and 13 full moons, but only 6 eclipses – 2 solar and 4 lunar. Source:…

Where to watch the historic SpaceX Crew-1 launch this Saturday

SpaceX is targeting Saturday, November 14, 2020, for the historic launch of Crew-1, the 1st operational, contracted mission to launch as part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. Here’s how to watch the launch. If all goes according to plan, the crew will dock with the International Space Station on Sunday. Source:…

Moon, Venus, Mercury before daybreak

These next several days, watch as the waning crescent moon joins up with the planets Mercury and Venus, plus the star Spica, in the eastern predawn/dawn sky. Source:…

Watch for Mercury, below Venus, during the week of November 10

For northerly latitudes, the coming week presents a golden opportunity to spot the most elusive bright planet – Mercury – in the east before sunup. The waning crescent moon, and dazzling Venus, can help you find it. Source:…

Blue Moon and red Mars on Halloween

The full moon of October 31, 2020 is the second full moon of a calendar month and therefore carries the name Blue Moon. It’s also the smallest full moon of 2020. And it’s near red Mars! Watch for it. Source:…

How to use EarthSky’s lunar calendar

It’s beautiful. It’s the best gift ever! And it’ll help you get in touch with nature. What more could you ask? Read the 6 tips below and enjoy your moon calendar! Source:…