GameStop Jumps After Hours As Elon Musk Tweets Out Reddit Board That’s Hyping Stock

Tesla CEO Elon Musk seemed to rally behind GameStop’s epic surge on Tuesday, tweeting out a link to the Reddit board that’s largely hyped the stock. CNBC reports: Shares of GameStop, which jumped 92.7% Tuesday, were up more than 60% in after hours trading following Musk’s tweet, which linked to the “wallstreetbets” Reddit chat room that has more than 2 million…

Watch ISS spacewalk January 27

On Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 2 NASA astronauts will perform the first in a pair of International Space Station spacewalks, to finish installing a European science platform and complete long-term battery upgrade work. Source:…

New Site Extracts and Posts Every Face from Parler’s Capitol Hill Insurrection Videos

“Late last week, a website called Faces of the Riot appeared online, showing nothing but a vast grid of more than 6,000 images of faces, each one tagged only with a string of characters associated with the Parler video in which it appeared,” reports WIRED, saying the site raises clear privacy concerns: The site’s creator tells WIRED that he used simple,…

US Treasury Nominee Yellen Wants to Encourage Cryptocurrencies — ‘For Legitimate Activities’

Business Insider reports: The bitcoin price was set for its biggest one-week fall since September on Saturday morning, having slipped around 10% since Monday… Bitcoin came under selling pressure this week after Janet Yellen, Joe Biden’s pick for Treasury secretary, suggested the use of cryptocurrencies should be “curtailed” because they were used mainly for “illicit financing”. Writing at on Thursday,…

How DNSpooq Attacks Could Poison DNS Cache Records

Earlier this week security experts disclosed details on seven vulnerabilities impacting Dnsmasq, “a popular DNS software package that is commonly deployed in networking equipment, such as routers and access points,” reports ZDNet. “The vulnerabilities tracked as DNSpooq, impact Dnsmasq, a DNS forwarding client for *NIX-based operating systems.” Slashdot reader Joe2020 shared Help Net Security’s quote from Shlomi Oberman, CEO and researcher…

How to Get Interviews (Coursera Networking for Job Search Guide)

Download this guide in PDF format This guide is designed to help job seekers get more interviews. If you’re eager to increase the number of interviews you’re currently getting, we have some tips and strategies for you that can make a big difference in your results and help you overcome some of the challenges associated […]
The post How to Get Interviews…

D-Link Made a USB Adapter that Adds Wi-Fi 6 To Your Laptop

D-Link is trying to make it simple to give your computer a Wi-Fi upgrade. From a report: The networking company has announced what it’s calling an “industry-first” Wi-Fi 6 adapter built into a USB stick. Plug it into your laptop or desktop computer, and you may be able to get better performance than from your older Wi-Fi chip. The adapter advertises…

Tech CEO Apologizes After His Arrest Over Capitol Hill Protests

“Turning digital data into profit,” is the slogan of Cognesia, a data analytics company whose client list includes Visa, Rolls-Royce, and Toys ‘R’ Us. Now Variety reports:
Brad Rukstales, the chief executive of a Chicago-area company that provides data-marketing solutions, said he was arrested Wednesday after he entered the U.S. Capitol alongside a mob of pro-Trump rioters seeking to overturn the 2020…

Ten-Year Long Study Confirms No Link Between Playing Violent Video Games as Early as Ten Years Old and Aggressive Behavior Later in Life

An anonymous reader shares a report: A ten-year longitudinal study published in the Journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking on a group in early adolescence from as young as ten years old, investigated how playing violent video games at an early age would translate into adulthood behavior (23 years of age). Titled “Growing Up with Grand Theft Auto: A 10-Year…