Plaid Pulled Plug on Visa Deal Over Price, Not Antitrust Concerns

Visa will no longer be buying fintech upstart Plaid, as the companies on Tuesday announced the “mutual termination” of the $5.3 billion agreement that was signed one year ago and opposed by U.S. antitrust regulators. From a report: This is more about the rising value of fintech companies than it is about the U.S. Justice Department. It also turns Plaid into…

Tech CEO Apologizes After His Arrest Over Capitol Hill Protests

“Turning digital data into profit,” is the slogan of Cognesia, a data analytics company whose client list includes Visa, Rolls-Royce, and Toys ‘R’ Us. Now Variety reports:
Brad Rukstales, the chief executive of a Chicago-area company that provides data-marketing solutions, said he was arrested Wednesday after he entered the U.S. Capitol alongside a mob of pro-Trump rioters seeking to overturn the 2020…

Bitcoin Surges 50% in Just One Month. CNN Ponders ‘Insane’ Record Run

The price of Bitcoin increased 50% — in the last four weeks. Now priced at $26,579, “Bitcoin is crashing — upward,” quips CNN Business: The digital currency has a market value north of $500 billion. Think Bitcoin is just a fad? It’s worth more than Visa or Mastercard. Or Walmart… Its rapid rise has been remarkable — or insane, depending on…

VISA Continues Pornhub Ban, To Allow Card Use On Some of Its Parent’s Sites

Visa said on Wednesday it would allow usage of its cards on Pornhub-owner MindGeek’s platforms that host professionally produced adult studio content, but would continue to decline processing payments coming from Pornhub itself. Reuters reports: Visa said its ban remains in effect for those websites that host user-generated content, the most popular being Pornhub, until an ongoing investigation was completed. “Following…