How Bravin took on the challenge to upskill and pave a new career path

Meet Bravin, a passionate learner from Kenya who decided to enroll in the Coursera Workforce Recovery Initiative. During a challenging time of unemployment, Bravin was determined to make the most of his time to upskill and prepare for re-entry into the workforce. See how he’s using his new skills and knowledge to pave a new […]
The post How Bravin took on…

How Sabelo applied lessons from online learning to found his own tech company in South Africa

Meet Sabelo, the co-founder and CEO of Tuse, a company based in South Africa that offers award-winning artificial intelligence, blockchain, and IoT solutions. Prior to his success with Tuse, Sabelo spent eight years as a self-taught developer. He eventually determined that he needed additional training if he was to achieve his goal of launching his […]
The post How Sabelo applied lessons…

Discover how Joanne applies her learning from the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate with her clients in the online education industry

Meet Joanne Roxburgh, a PhD student in technology-enhanced learning from the UK. Joanne had heard about the growing potential of artificial intelligence in her industry and wanted to learn more. She didn’t have a coding background, but as soon as she found the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate on Coursera, she was able to start […]
The post Discover how Joanne applies…

How Stijn landed his new job after completing the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate

Meet Stijn, a project assistant from Brussels, Belgium. He recently earned his IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate and it opened new career opportunities and helped him build the skills and confidence to ace his job interviews. He shares his story below and offers his insights about the program as well as some valuable advice on […]
The post How Stijn landed his…

Learn how Vishnu went from small village tech hobbyist to IT professional

We’d like you to meet Vishnu Mohankumar from Kerala, India. A tech enthusiast from a young age, Vishnu has always loved helping neighbors in his village by fixing any and all technology-related issues. Today, he is a Desktop Support Engineer at Astreya Consultancy. Below, he shares his learning journey and discusses how earning his Google […]
The post Learn how Vishnu went…

Discover how Melaine is driving education efforts in West Africa using skills learned on Coursera

We’d like to introduce you to Melaine Nyuyfoni Nsaikila. In the story he shares below, Melaine describes how learning on Coursera helped give him an edge in his job search and the tools to continue to make a difference in policy and development. With persistence and determination, he built the technical skills that he now […]
The post Discover how Melaine is…

Meet Anita: Lifelong Learner, Contract Tracer

We want to introduce you to Anita. She recently completed the COVID-19 Contact Tracing course from Johns Hopkins University and began working as a contact tracer to help combat the virus. Below, she shares her experience in the course and tells us about her background and future plans. Hello Anita! Thank you so much for […]
The post Meet Anita: Lifelong Learner,…

Meet Anita: Lifelong Learner, Contact Tracer

We want to introduce you to Anita. She recently completed the COVID-19 Contact Tracing course from Johns Hopkins University and began working as a contact tracer to help combat the virus. Below, she shares her experience in the course and tells us about her background and future plans. Hello Anita! Thank you so much for […]
The post Meet Anita: Lifelong Learner,…

These Five Learners Achieved Career Success after Earning a Professional IT Certificate from Google

COVID-19 has changed the world of work dramatically. Interviews and onboarding now happen virtually. Teams are distributed and working from home. Employee engagement is defined by on-screen interactions. For organizations of every size, across virtually every industry, adaptability and resilience are essential.   For people navigating this unfamiliar employment landscape, learning new skills and refreshing existing […]
The post These Five Learners Achieved…

Building a Customer-Centric Culture: Meet Van

In this learner story, Van, country head of HR at a company in the pharmaceutical industry, shares her experience as a graduate student in the University of Queensland’s (UQ) Online Master of Leadership in Service Innovation program, a cutting-edge business graduate degree focused on organizational leadership, innovation, and customer experience. How was your experience learning online? I find the program beneficial…