Dark Waters review: A lawyer’s epic fight with a chemicals giant

After cows start dying and people get sick, a corporate lawyer in the film Dark Waters decides to switch sides and take on chemicals Goliath DuPont Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24532700-200-dark-waters-review-a-lawyers-epic-fight-with-a-chemicals-giant/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Twitter Locks WikiLeaks Official Account With 5.4 Million Followers, Days Before Julian Assange’s Extradition Hearing

Days before Julian Assange’s extradition hearings are set to continue, WikiLeaks’ journalist Kristin Hrafnsson reports that the official WikiLeaks twitter account has been locked. “All attempts to get it reopened via regular channels have been unsuccessful,” writes Hrafnsson in a tweet. “It has been impossible to reach a human at twitter to resolve the issue. Can someone fix this?” RT reports:…

EU Judge Raises Prospect of Increasing Multibillion Fine Against Google

Alphabet’s appeal against a multibillion-dollar fine for alleged anticompetitive behavior by its Google unit risks backfiring after a European Union court floated the prospect of increasing the fine (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source), rather than scrapping it. The Wall Street Journal reports: In a surprise twist Friday at the end of a three-day hearing, one of five judges on the panel…

Why Can We Write Software To Get To the Moon, But Not To Count Votes

minstrelmike shares a report. From the article: The best way to get a feel for what NASA’s job was like is to read some of the code, now immortalized in a GitHub repository. Choose a file at random. GROUND_TRACKING_DETERMINATION_PROGRAM.agc, for instance, has 204 lines and more than 85 of them are comments. Each of the lines consists of only one operation,…

Ex-CIA Engineer Set To Go On Trial For Vault 7 Leak

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: Manhattan federal prosecutors are poised to open their case Tuesday in the trial of a former software engineer for the Central Intelligence Agency who is charged with handing over a trove of classified information on the spy agency’s hacking operations to WikiLeaks (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source). In 2017, WikiLeaks released more than…

Theranos’ Elizabeth Holmes Represents Herself at Trial After Lawyers Say She Stiffed Them

McGruber quotes the Mercury News: In her regular attendance at the San Jose federal courthouse for hearings in her high-stakes criminal fraud case, Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes has been flanked by expensive lawyers. But in an Arizona civil case, she took part in a hearing this week representing herself, and by phone, according to a report Friday. Holmes has seven lawyers…

Amazon To Ask Court To Block Microsoft From Working On $10 Billion JEDI Contract

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Register: Amazon Web Services is expecting a decision next month from a U.S. court about whether the brakes will be slammed on the Pentagon’s lucrative Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract awarded to Microsoft. The filing (PDF), on January 13, sets up the schedule for key dates including February 11, when AWS and…

‘Music Copyright Lawsuits Are Scaring Away New Hits’, Argues Rolling Stone

A new article in Rolling Stone argues that the forgotten 2013 hit song “Blurred Lines”, which a court later ruled infringed on a 1977 song by Marvin Gaye, turned copyright law into “a minefield” — for the music industry. While copyright laws used to protect only lyrics and melodies (a prime example is the Chiffons’ successful suit against George Harrison in…

How Facebook Tried To Defend Its Privacy Policies at CES

Slashdot reader Tekla Perry found some interesting quotes in IEEE Spectrum’s “View From the Valley” blog: Apple, Facebook, and Proctor & Gamble executives faced some tough questions about privacy during a CES panel, and pushback from U.S. FTC Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter. In one exchanged, Facebook’s representative argued that Apple’s model of adding noise to data to keep it anonymous and avoiding…

Amazon Threatens To Fire Employees Who Speak Out On Climate Change

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: A group of Amazon employees say the company has threatened to fire two workers for speaking out against the company’s environmental policies. In a statement posted to Twitter on Thursday, Amazon Employees for Climate Justice said that several employees were contacted by legal and human resources representatives, who said they were in violation…