What’s new on Coursera for Business – November 2019

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant The end of the year brings with it some of our most exciting launches of 2019. Our latest batch of 50+ courses includes enterprise critical skills such as personal resilience, computational thinking, and coding for managers.  Additional topics this past month range from Python for asset management to […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

How Chinese Sci-Fi Conquered America

From a report: When the English translation of “The Three-Body Problem” was published in 2014, it was hailed as a groundbreaking work of speculative fiction. President Barack Obama praised the novel, calling it “just wildly imaginative.” Mark Zuckerberg recommended it to his tens of millions of Facebook followers; George R.R. Martin blogged about it. Publishers around the world chased after translation…

Microsoft is Creating a New Rust-Based Programming Language For Secure Coding

Under Project Verona, Microsoft is working to make Windows 10 more secure by integrating Mozilla-developed Rust for low-level Windows components. “‘Memory safety’ is the term for coding frameworks that help protect memory space from being abused by malware,” reports ZDNet. “Project Verona at Microsoft is meant to progress the company’s work here to close off this attack vector.” From the report:…

Guido van Rossum Explains How Python Makes Thinking in Code Easier

Dropbox’s Work in Progress blog shared a 2000-word “conversation with the creator of the world’s most popular programming language,” noting that many computer science schools are switching over from Java to Python, and arguing that “JavaScript still owns the web, and Java runs 2.5 billion Android phones, but for general purpose programming and education, Python has become the default standard.” They…

Ask Slashdot: How Much Faster Is an ASIC Than a Programmable GPU?

dryriver writes: When you run a real-time video processing algorithm on a GPU, you notice that some math functions execute very quickly on the GPU and some math functions take up a lot more processing time or cycles, slowing down the algorithm. If you were to implement that exact GPU algorithm as a dedicated ASIC hardware chip or perhaps on a…

Getting an MCS Part I – Can I get in?

When preparing to apply for an online MCS, students often begin by asking themselves if they have the right background for this degree. In part one of this three-part “Getting an MCS” series, we will be providing in-depth answers to some of the typical questions students ask during the application process. Can I get in? […]
The post Getting an MCS Part…

The Year of AI: End of Year Round-Up 2019

Trends from 45 million learners on Coursera show nearly two million enrollments in AI-related content in 2019, AI for Everyone breaks into the top ten list in its first year By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera When it comes to popularity and demand, tech-centric courses like artificial intelligence and data science consistently rank […]
The post The Year of AI:…