Anti-Zionists Deserve Free Speech

The Trump administration bars a critic of Israel from America. Source:…

Tensions Rise as New York City Steps Up Response to Measles

An order to require immunizations in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community seemed to mobilize vaccine skeptics. Others worried that the effort did not address the root of the problem: misinformation. Source:…

Why Some Israelis Still Support Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is caught up in a corruption scandal that has clouded his campaign ahead of Tuesday’s election, but some Israelis still support him. We went there to understand why they are sticking with him. Source:

As Israel Charts a Future, Color and Chaos Abound in Its Election

The voting on Tuesday seems to be all about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — keep him or dump him. But our photographer found that’s not the half of it. Source:

A Pro-Pot Candidate Could Prove Decisive in Israeli Election

Moshe Feiglin’s far-right, libertarian Zehut party is gaining traction among young voters. It could end up determining who leads the next government. Source:

Vows: A Business Trip Yields the Investment of a Lifetime

The couple had their first date in Israel in May 2014. But it wasn’t until their second date — months later in Italy — that their romance took off. Source:

Anti-Semitism Is Back, From the Left, Right and Islamist Extremes. Why?

Anti-Semitism is now being harnessed for political ends by ideologies that otherwise would have little overlap. That fusion is new, and dangerous, experts say. Source:

Global Health: Scientists Thought They Had Measles Cornered. They Were Wrong.

Following intensive vaccination efforts, measles cases plunged across the world. Now clusters of new infections — some linked, some not — have confounded health officials. Source:

An Outbreak Spreads Fear: Of Measles, of Ultra-Orthodox Jews, of Anti-Semitism

A measles outbreak in a New York suburb has sickened scores of people and stoked long-smoldering tensions between the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community and the secular world at large. Source:

In Israel Campaign, All Sides Claim Fabled Voice From the Grave: Menachem Begin

Though he has been dead 27 years, Mr. Begin’s legacy is being selectively invoked by parties across the political spectrum ahead of the April 9 election. Source: