That Viral Video of a Chimp Scrolling Instagram Is Bad, Actually

The video of the chimpanzee scrolling through social media isn’t good for wildlife conservation, experts say.Source:…

Can we trust the people who got us hooked on the internet to save us from it?


Nanocomponent is a quantum leap for Danish physicists

University of Copenhagen researchers have developed a nanocomponent that emits light particles carrying quantum information. Less than one-tenth the width of a human hair, the miniscule component makes it possible to scale up and could ultimately reach the capabilities required for a quantum computer or quantum internet. The research result puts Denmark at the head of the pack in the quantum…

California’s Politicians Rush To Gut Internet Privacy Law With Pro-Tech Giant Amendments

The right for Californians to control the private data that tech companies hold on them may be undermined today at a critical committee hearing in Sacramento. The Register reports: The Privacy And Consumer Protection Committee will hold a special hearing on Tuesday afternoon to discuss and vote on nine proposed amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) — which was…

Transitioning from a ‘Teacher-centric’ to a ‘Student-centric’ Classroom through Digital Learning

“(Technology) is not making teaching obsolete. If anything, it is making the craft of teaching more important” … The Economist, 22nd July 2017 It all began in November, 2014 when I attended the edX Global Forum in Boston. All through the  dreary eighteen-hour flight from Bangalore (where I live and work) to Boston, I was restless and unsure, perhaps even skeptical,…

Our incel problem


‘Game of Thrones’ Shows Why We Need to Back Up Human Civilization

The newest episode of ‘Game of Thrones’ plays on real world anxieties about data corruption and erasure.Source:…

Satellites are checking if boats in remote places are fishing legally

The Indonesian government is using tiny internet-providing satellites to check if boats in the middle of the ocean are fishing legally Source:…

‘Some Cheers, A Few Sneers For Google’s URL Solution For AMP’

The Verge explains what all the commotion is about:
AMP stands for “Accelerated Mobile Pages,” and you’ve probably noticed that those pages load super quickly and usually look much simpler than regular webpages. You may have also noticed that the URL at the top of your browser started with “” instead of with the webpage you thought you were visiting. Google is…