WebAssembly Becomes W3C Standard, Reaches 1.0

An anonymous reader quotes Mike Melanson’s “This Week in Programming” column: WebAssembly is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine and this week, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) dubbed it an official web standard and the fourth language for the Web that allows code to run in the browser, joining HTML, CSS and JavaScript… With this week’s news,…

Microsoft is Creating a New Rust-Based Programming Language For Secure Coding

Under Project Verona, Microsoft is working to make Windows 10 more secure by integrating Mozilla-developed Rust for low-level Windows components. “‘Memory safety’ is the term for coding frameworks that help protect memory space from being abused by malware,” reports ZDNet. “Project Verona at Microsoft is meant to progress the company’s work here to close off this attack vector.” From the report:…

New Tracking Prevention in Microsoft’s Edge Will Hit Google the Hardest

Microsoft’s Edge browser is built on the same open source code as Google Chrome. But Ed Bott, writing for ZDNet, noticed something interesting: On January 15, 2020, Microsoft is scheduled to roll out a completely revamped Edge browser to the general public. That browser, which is available for beta testing now on all supported versions of Windows and MacOS, includes a…

Do You Remember MIDI Music Files?

A new article at Motherboard remembers when the MIDI file format became the main way music was shared on the internet “for an incredibly short but memorable period of time…” [I]n the hunt for additional features, the two primary developers of web browsers during the era — Microsoft and Netscape — added functionality that made audio files accessible when loading websites,…

Firefox Turns 15

harrymcc writes: On November 9 2004, a new version of Mozilla’s browser called Firefox shipped. It was taking on one of the most daunting monopolies in tech: Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, which had more than 90 percent market share. But Firefox was really good, and it became an instant hit, ending Microsoft’s dominance of the web. Over at Fast Company, Sean Captain…

Germany’s Cybersecurity Agency Recommends Firefox As Most Secure Browser

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: Firefox is the only browser that received top marks in a recent audit carried out by Germany’s cyber-security agency — the German Federal Office for Information Security (or the Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik — BSI). The BSI tested Mozilla Firefox 68 (ESR), Google Chrome 76, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, and Microsoft…

Wired Remembers the Glory Days of Flash

Wired recently remembered Flash as “the annoying plugin” that transformed the web “into a cacophony of noise, colour, and controversy, presaging the modern web.” They write that its early popularity in the mid-1990s came in part because “Microsoft needed software capable of showing video on their website, MSN.com, then the default homepage of every Internet Explorer user.” But Flash allowed anyone…

‘Paint’ and ‘WordPad’ Will Soon Become Optional Features In Windows 10

An anonymous reader quotes Neowin:
Both WordPad and the classic Paint app can now be found in the list of optional features for Windows 10, joining the ranks of other hallmarks of the Windows of yore, such as Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer. This means that both these apps will be uninstallable in a future release of Windows, likely 20H1, as…

US Appeals Court Voids Google ‘Cookie’ Privacy Settlement That Paid Users Nothing

A federal appeals court on Tuesday struck down Google’s class-action settlement meant to resolve claims it invaded the privacy of millions of computer users by installing “cookies” in their browsers, but paying those users nothing for their troubles. Reuters reports: In a 3-0 decision, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia said it could not tell whether the $5.5…

5 Ingredients of an Entrepreneurial Mindset – According to Top Innovators

Whether you’re building your startup or pursuing “intrapreneurial” ventures within an established company, the journey of an innovator can be a rollercoaster of thrilling highs – and challenging lows. That’s why success isn’t just about having an entrepreneurial skillset – it’s about having the right mindset to carry you through the inevitable tough times.  You […]
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