Ban on Wireless Modems In Voting Machines Should be Optional, Suggests US Election Agency

The U.S. agency overseeing elections has “quietly weakened a key element of proposed security standards…” reports the Associated Press, “raising concern among voting-integrity experts that many such systems will remain vulnerable to hacking.” The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is poised to approve its first new security standards in 15 years after an arduous process involving multiple technical and elections community bodies…

The 1st intentional radio message to space was sent via Arecibo

Iconic Arecibo telescope is now slated for decommissioning. But its multi-faceted legacy will live on. In 1974, for example, Arecibo sent earthlings’ first intentional message to the cosmos. Source:…

Qualcomm Doubles 5G mmWave Range To 2.36 Miles For Broadband Modems

As 5G networks have continued to spread across the world, the biggest issue with ultra-fast millimeter wave (mmWave) towers has been their short transmission distance, which is generally measured in city blocks rather than miles. Today, Qualcomm announced a breakthrough in mmWave transmission range, successfully achieving a 5G data connection over a 3.8-kilometer (2.36-mile) distance — over twice the range originally…

How Much More Power Does 5G Consume Over 4G? Redmi Has Answer

Most 5G phones offer big batteries owing to the increased power consumption of early 5G modems and connectivity. But just how much more power does a 5G phone need over a 4G device? From a report: Redmi general manager Lu Weibing has taken to Weibo to answer this question, claiming that 5G phones consume ~20% more power than a 4G phone….

Intel CEO Blames Company’s Obsessive Focus on Capturing 90% CPU Market Share For Missing Out on Other Opportunities

Intel chief executive Bob Swan says he’s willing to let go the company’s traditional dominance of the market for CPUs in order to meet the rising demand for newer, more specialized silicon chips for applications such as AI and autonomous cars. From a report: Intel’s Bob Swan blames being focused on 90% CPU market share as a reason for missing opportunities…

Intel and MediaTek Partner on 5G Laptops for 2021

Taiwan’s MediaTek has announced a partnership with U.S. chipmaking giant Intel to supply future Intel-powered PCs with fifth-generation networking modems from the start of 2021. From a report: The agreement marks a small step toward a big change in the way computing is done, as 5G promises to revolutionize both the speed and availability of cellular networks, creating dense coverage with…

Do You Remember MIDI Music Files?

A new article at Motherboard remembers when the MIDI file format became the main way music was shared on the internet “for an incredibly short but memorable period of time…” [I]n the hunt for additional features, the two primary developers of web browsers during the era — Microsoft and Netscape — added functionality that made audio files accessible when loading websites,…

Apple Buys Intel’s Smartphone Modem Business

Apple is officially acquiring Intel’s smartphone modem business for $1 billion, the two companies announced today. As rumored earlier this week, the move “would jump-start the iPhone maker’s push to take control of developing the critical components powering its devices.” The Verge reports: The acquisition means that Apple is now well on the way to producing its own 5G modems for…