Which insects have the worst stings?

Some of the most painful stings come from tarantula hawk wasps, warrior wasps, and bullet ants. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/which-insects-have-worst-painful-stings…

Murder hornets? 5 questions answered about Asian giant hornets in North America

Are ‘murder hornets’ from Asia invading North America? An entomologist who lived among them in Japan explains what’s true about the predatory insects. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/what-are-asian-giant-hornets-dangerous…

‘Murder hornets’ have reportedly entered the US

An invasive species of giant hornet has the potential to devastate honey bee populations, experts have warned. More commonly known as the Asian giant … Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/336794/murder-hornets-have-reportedly-entered-the-us…

Happy Earth Day 2016! Our Favorite Ways To Celebrate Nature

Hey homesteaders! Today is one of my favorite days of the year: Earth Day.  Where would we be without Mother Earth? The grass wouldn’t be green, the sky wouldn’t be blue, and the birds certainly wouldn’t be chirping. We’d just be a big vast void like all the other much more boring planets in our solar…Continue Reading
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