Asian honeybees use animal faeces to defend themselves from hornets

Asian honeybees collect animal faeces and place it at the entrance to their hives in an attempt to ward off group attacks by giant hornets Source:…

Could Smart Technology Help Save the World’s Honey Bees?

CNN Business reports: Climate change, intensive agriculture, and the use of pesticides and fungicides in farming is ravaging the world’s bees. Commercial beekeepers in the United States lost 44% of their managed colonies in 2019, according to research from the University of Maryland. Now, technology startups are developing smart devices that give beekeepers access to detailed information about the state of…

Murder hornets? 5 questions answered about Asian giant hornets in North America

Are ‘murder hornets’ from Asia invading North America? An entomologist who lived among them in Japan explains what’s true about the predatory insects. Source:…

Genetically modified microbiome could protect honeybees from disease

Modifying bacteria found in the guts of bees could help protect the insects against lethal infections affecting hives worldwide Source:…

It’s not your imagination. Allergy season gets worse every year.

Pollen allergy seasons continue to get longer and more intense as temperatures rise. The weather is warming. The flowers are blooming. Noses are running. Eyes are watering. It’s allergy season yet again, and it’s already severe in states like Georgia and Tennessee. It’s shaping up to be brutal in cities like Chicago, where the frigid… Continue reading It’s not your imagination. Allergy season gets worse every year.