Will Schools Turn to Surveillance Tech to Prevent Covid-19 Spread?

An anonymous reader quotes Wired:
When students return to school in New Albany, Ohio, in August, they’ll be carefully watched as they wander through red-brick buildings and across well-kept lawns — and not only by teachers. The school district, with five schools and 4,800 students, plans to test a system that would require each student to wear an electronic beacon to track…

Coursera Appoints ACE President Ted Mitchell to Board of Directors

Today, we proudly welcome Ted Mitchell, a leading voice in higher education and former federal policymaker, as a director on the Coursera board. Ted currently serves as president of the American Council on Education (ACE), the country’s largest higher education association, whose mission is to shape effective public policy and foster innovative, high-quality practice. Previously, […]
The post Coursera Appoints ACE President…

College-Bound Students To Miss Out on Billions in Financial Aid Due To Pandemic

This year, students may need extra help to make college a reality. From a report: Amid the coronavirus crisis and sky-high unemployment rates, less than half of families feel confident in their ability to meet the costs of higher education, according to education lender Sallie Mae. About 69% of parents and 55% of students entering college in the fall said Covid-19…

Is Big Tech About to Take Over Higher Education?

“In 2017, Scott Galloway anticipated Amazon’s $13.7 billion purchase of Whole Foods a month before it was announced,” reports New York magazine (in an article shared by long-time Slashdot reader Faizdog). Galloway teaches marketing at NYU Stern School of Business, and he’s now predicting the pandemic “has greased the wheels for big tech’s entree into higher education.”
The post-pandemic future, he says,…

Calls By College Students For Tuition Refunds Are Growing Louder

Long-time Slashdot reader jyosim writes:
Students want their money back since their classes have moved online. Or they want partial refunds, and their calls have been getting louder. “Petition movements at more than 200 campuses are calling for partial refunds of tuition, typically asking for 50 percent back,” reports EdSurge. “And some student protesters are now even filing class-action lawsuits to try…

A Quick-Start Guide to Teaching from Home by Andrew Ng

A guide for educators to transition from teaching in the classroom to teaching online with minimal planning and effort. Recent events have accelerated digital transformation in higher education, requiring educators to quickly shift from teaching live in classrooms to teaching online in their living rooms in the span of weeks. Redesigning an in-person class into […]
The post A Quick-Start Guide to…

2020 Coursera Virtual Conference: Reflections and Resources

By the Coursera Conference Team The Coursera Conference is an opportunity for our global community to engage around innovative teaching and learning experiences. This year, after careful consideration for the growing concerns surrounding the spread of COVID-19, the Coursera Conference transitioned from a two day, in-person event to a free, fully virtual experience focused on […]
The post 2020 Coursera Virtual Conference:…

Should Colleges Preserve the Idea of Meritocracy?

“Is Meritocracy an Idea Worth Saving?” asks The Chronicle of Higher Education, reporting on a special forum held recently at the University of North Carolina’s Program for Public Discourse. “This discussion took place before Covid-19 changed everything. But the topics — the definition of meritocracy, the role of universities in a just society, the composition of socioeconomic class, and the real…

Helping universities and colleges take learning online in response to the coronavirus

By Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO Coursera  The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is the most serious global health security threat in decades. In many countries, restrictions imposed by government agencies have disrupted daily routines for millions, including students. Many universities in the impacted regions have suspended face-to-face seminars, closed campuses, and are scrambling to find a […]
The post Helping universities and colleges…

Grit, Google, and Gratitude: Meet Nimisha

A recurring theme in the field of computer science seems to be the rate at which new capabilities are discovered means that it’s never too late to start learning. This rang true in Nimisha’s story, edX’s Chief Architect, who shared her best advice for those new to (or in her case, returning to) web development in this edition of edX Insider….