Come to know the Pleiades, or 7 Sisters

At this time of year, for all of us around the globe, the Pleiades star cluster culminates – reaches its highest point in the sky – around midnight. Source:…

Pleiades star cluster, aka Seven Sisters

The Pleiades star cluster – aka the Seven Sisters or M45 – is visible from virtually every part of the globe. It looks like a tiny misty dipper of stars. Source:…

Airbnb Tries New Screening System for ‘High-Risk Reservations’ After ‘Party House’ Fatalities

“The CEO of Airbnb has announced that the company will be banning ‘party houses’ and doubling down on getting rid ‘of abusive host and guest conduct’ in direct response to the deadly shooting that broke out during a Halloween party held at an Airbnb rental in Orinda, California,” reports BuzzFeed News: On Thursday, renters of the home in Orinda threw a…

Google Discloses Chrome Zero-Day Exploited in the Wild

Yesterday, on late Halloween night, Google engineers delivered the best scare of the evening and released an urgent update for the Chrome browser to patch an actively exploited zero-day. From a report: “Google is aware of reports that an exploit for CVE-2019-13720 exists in the wild,” Google engineers said in a blog post announcing the new v78.0.3904.87 release. The actively-exploited zero-day…

Small asteroid C0PPEV1 paid a heavy price for almost striking Earth yesterday

Earth’s gravity bent the trajectory of asteroid C0PPEV1 so much yesterday – as this asteroid swept only 3,852 miles (6,200 km) above Africa – that its farthest point from the sun has now shifted out to the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. Source:…

How we discovered a glowing galactic ghoul

It’s a classic Halloween tale. A group of ghost hunters visit a grand old house that is rumored to be haunted. But after thoroughly exploring, they leave disappointed: there are no ghosts to be seen. Only later, when looking through their photographs of the place do they notice the mysterious apparition on the stairs. It was there all the time. Source:…

Night vision specialists: cats, bats, and owls

Three spooky Halloween animals see better at night than we do. Here’s how they do it. Source:…

Algol is the Demon Star

What’s the scariest star in all the heavens? Around Halloween, look for Algol – a star named for a demon! How to see it in your sky. Source:…

NASA’s latest exoplanet posters are a Halloween treat

Just in time for Halloween, NASA has released two new posters celebrating some truly terrifying exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system. Free to download, the entertaining posters recall vintage horror movie advertisements but have a decidedly astronomical focus. Source:…