Negotiation Tips and Tricks (From Salary to Price)

Want to know how to negotiate your salary or how to avoid the biggest mistakes in negotiation? Get advice from Dr. George Siedel, a master negotiator and Professor Emeritus of Business Law at the University of Michigan. Read on to learn his insights on: Why negotiation is an important skill His number one tip on […]
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Get ready for the ’20s!

“Anybody besides me notice that the past two decades have been nameless?” Source:…

The Impressive Holistic Benefits of St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort has a long history of being used to treat depression, phobias, skin conditions, and more. Significantly, this herb is still used today by many people who suffer from the same health challenges and want to use a more natural, alternative method to treat their condition…
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Bizarre Tully Monster fossil is still a mystery

Was the Tully Monster – which left behind one of the strangest fossils ever discovered – a vertebrate or an invertebrate? The mystery continues. Source:…

151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. & Their Characteristics

Check out 151 Types of Flowers common in the US. This guide is great for picking and choosing your very own garden, or custom bouquet! Scroll through to find your perfect bloom. —This post is courtesy of (Original publish date January 18, 2016), Shared with permission— 151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. &…Continue Reading
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Privacy-Respecting Smart Home System Can Work Offline and Sends Fake Data

A publicly-funded group of designers, artists and privacy experts from Amsterdam have designed a smart home system prototype to “prove it’s technically possible to build a privacy respecting smart home while maintaining convenience.” Its controller uses an Arduino Nano to disconnect the system from the internet during times when it’s not in use. They’re building everything on Mozilla’s open smart home…

Grow a Vertical Garden [Chapter7] Homestead Handbook

Grow a Vertical Garden and save space on your homestead. Follow these backyard gardening tips to start your very own vertical garden, and enjoy all the fresh vegetables it will produce in minimal space. You are reading Chapter 7 of our gardening series in The Homestead Handbook: How to Grow All The Food You Need In Your Own Backyard…Continue Reading
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Ask Slashdot: How Will The Internet Affect The Next Generation?

dryriver writes: Growing up in the 1980s/90s I don’t remember being embroiled in many “heated arguments” with youths my own age. There were small differences of opinion on various things — whether a band is a great or not, whether a book is worth reading or whatever — but nothing anywhere near the heated opinion battles that can be seen in…

Why We Should Teach Kids to Call the Robot ‘It’

As a new generation grows up surrounded by AI, researchers find education as early as preschool can help avoid confusion about robots’ role. From a report: Today’s small children, aka Generation Alpha, are the first to grow up with robots as peers. Those winsome talking devices spawned by a booming education-tech industry can speed children’s learning, but they also can be…

Save Space By Going Vertical With Your Vegetables

  Vegetable plants grown by individuals and not bought at a market or grocery store have wide ranging advantages. Thanks to Survival Life and their new Special Report, people are learning how to grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs with little to no outdoor space. It’s called Growing Up: The Ins and Outs of Vertical Gardening,…Continue Reading
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