4 amazing astronomical discoveries from ancient Greece

The ancients made some jaw-dropping discoveries without modern technology. For example, the size of the moon. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/4-amazing-astronomical-discoveries-ancient-greece…

Helping governments respond to the unemployment crisis caused by the coronavirus

By Leah Belsky, Chief Enterprise Officer and Kevin Mills, Head of Government Partnerships As businesses across sectors lay off workers due to an abrupt economic slowdown, the world faces the biggest unemployment crisis in the modern era. The pandemic has affected the livelihoods of 2.7 billion workers globally. In the U.S. alone, jobless claims have […]
The post Helping governments respond to…

IBM is Deploying Its Watson AI to Help Governments Answer People’s Covid-19 Questions

Digital Trends reports:
IBM’s question-answering Watson A.I. is most famous for whooping the butt of human champions on quiz show Jeopardy. Now, IBM has repurposed its famous creation to help government agencies, health care organizations, and academic institutions around the world cope with the massive overload of questions that citizens have about the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the first time that Watson…

Astrophysicists wear 3-D glasses to watch quasars

A team of researchers from Russia and Greece reports a way to determine the origins and nature of quasar light by its polarization. The new approach is analogous to the way cinema glasses produce a 3-D image by feeding each eye with the light of a particular polarization, either horizontal or vertical. The authors of the recent study in the Monthly…

This week’s Venus and Neptune conjunction

The Venus-Neptune in conjunction on January 27 was the closest planetary conjunction of 2020. But – because Neptune is so faint – it wasn’t easy to capture. Plus a star near Venus confused people! Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/venus-neptune-january2020-photos…

A winding river of stars called Eridanus

Why search for such a faint constellation? Only because it’s very beautiful. Plus seeing Eridanus can give you a kinship with stargazers from centuries ago. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/eridanus-a-river-of-stars…

January’s birthstone is the garnet

Happy birthday January babies!  Your birthstone is the garnet. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/january-birthstone-garnet…

A Twitter App Bug Was Used To Match 17 Million Phone Numbers To User Accounts

Security researcher Ibrahim Balic said he has matched 17 million phone numbers to Twitter user accounts by exploiting a flaw in Twitter’s Android app. TechCrunch reports: Ibrahim Balic found that it was possible to upload entire lists of generated phone numbers through Twitter’s contacts upload feature. “If you upload your phone number, it fetches user data in return,” he told TechCrunch….