How We Can Save the Comic Book Industry?

destinyland writes: For the first time in many years, the first Saturday in May won’t mark Free Comic Book Day, as the worldwide comic celebration at comic-book stores has been postponed amid coronavirus concerns,” reports Oklahoma’s largest newspaper — saying it’s been postponed to an unspecified new date in the future. But they’re suggesting fans can support their local shops anyways,…

Will Comic Books Survive Coronavirus?

As Marvel cuts staff and publishers stop selling new titles, artists, shop owners and writers worry for the future of an industry worth billions. From a report: There are no new comic books. Steve Geppi, head of Diamond Comic Distributors, which distributes nearly every comic sold in the anglophone world (or used to), announced this on 23 March, though senior industry…

Ask Slashdot: What Are You Doing To Help?

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: With all the news stories about how the pandemic is impacting our world, some of us have been just plain lucky. As an information worker, I was already working from home, so I still have my full-time job — and my full-time income. So my question is, if we really are all “in this together,” then…

Celebrate the moon landing anniversary with books that go beyond the small step

New books about Apollo 11 and the mission to the moon offer something for everyone, from astronomy lovers to fans of graphic novels and self-improvement buffs. Source:…

A New Graphic Novel Explores How Racism Made Weed Illegal

For the last few years, a wave of legislation has been decriminalizing the recreational use of marijuana all across the United States. Cannabis advocates have long said that it should never have been illegal. The story of how the substance became outlawed in the first place combines willful ignorance, petty careerism,…Read more…Source:…

Beauty hides gruesome horror in this When I Arrived At The Castle exclusive

Cartoonist Emily Carroll is a master of imbuing beautiful images with terrifying menace, using a graceful line and luxurious design sensibility to lure readers into stories that highlight the darker aspects of humanity. Carroll’s new Koyama Press graphic novella, When I Arrived At The Castle, spotlights this skill as…Read more…Source:…