Watch the moon shed its shadow

Because the moon moves eastward (away from the setting sun) at the rate of about 13 degrees per day, watch for the young moon to shed its shadow as it waxes (increases) in age. Source:…

New view of old light adds twist to debate over universe’s age

Observations of the cosmic microwave background by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope in Chile suggest that the universe is 13.8 billion years old. Source:…

Runaway star might explain black hole’s disappearing act

At the center of a far-off galaxy, a black hole is slowly consuming a disk of gas that swirls around it like water circling a drain. As a steady trickle of gas is pulled into the gaping maw, ultrahot particles gather close to the black hole, above and below the disk, generating a brilliant X-ray glow that can be seen 300…

Moon and Venus beautiful before sunrise July 16-19

These next several mornings – July 16, 17 and 18, 2020 – enjoy the waning crescent moon, the queen of the night, pairing up with Venus, the queen planet. Source:…

Mercury in the July morning sky

Mercury is only modestly-bright in mid-July 2020, but let the waning crescent moon and the planet Venus help you to locate Mercury near the horizon as darkness gives way to dawn. If you can’t see this world with the eye alone, try binoculars! Source:…

Why fireflies light up

A firefly’s familiar glow is caused by a chemical reaction. Explanation here, plus many wonderful firefly photos. Source:…

Full moon, faint eclipse, on July 4-5

The penumbral lunar eclipse of July 4-5, 2020 will be so nearly imperceptible that some will see nothing even while staring at it. Then again … very observant people will notice something strange happening on the moon, without knowing an eclipse is taking place. Who will see it (or not) in this post. Source:…

Young moon after sunset June 22, 23 and 24

These next several days – June 22, 23 and 24, 2020 – watch for the young waxing crescent moon to adorn the western evening dusk. Source:…

The secrets of night-shining clouds

Noctilucent cloud season has returned to Earth’s high latitudes. These “night-shining” clouds are beautiful … photos here. Source:…