This asteroid just skimmed Earth’s atmosphere

The asteroid – 2020 VT4 – is estimated to be between 16 and 36 feet (5-11 meters). It skimmed the top of our atmosphere on Friday, November 13, 2020. Astronomers spotted it one day later. Source:…

We’ll have 2 Friday the 13ths in 2020

And 2020’s first Friday the 13th is coming up on March 13. It’ll be exactly 13 weeks after the previous Friday the 13th in December 2019. Zoinks! Source:…

How often are there 3 eclipses in a month?

In a calendar month, 3 eclipses are rare. But in a lunar month, 3 eclipses are more common. From 2000-2050, it happens 14 times. Source:…

This weekend’s Full Hunter’s Moon

The legacy of the Harvest and Hunter’s Moons are the grand procession of moonlit nights in the season of waning daylight. In 2019, watch for the full, or nearly full moon, around October 11, 12, 13 and maybe even 14. Source:…

A year with 13 Friday the 13ths?

Should we ever adopt the International Fixed Calendar, we’d have 13 months in a year, with each month containing a Friday the 13th. Friggatriskaidekaphobia – aka fear of Friday the 13th – would be rampant! Or not. Read more about this calendar system here. Source:…

Harvest Moon on Friday the 13th

For the Northern Hemisphere, the September 2019 full moon is the closest full moon to the September autumn equinox, so it counts as the Northern Hemisphere’s full Harvest Moon. Source:…

Two Friday the 13ths in 2019

Do you have friggatriskaidekaphobia … an irrational fear of Friday the 13th? Today isn’t Friday the 13th. But it is exactly 13 weeks before a Friday the 13th in September. Then, exactly 13 weeks after that, 2019’s second Friday the 13th will fall in December. Zoinks! Source:…