Bell Labs Plans Big 50th Anniversary Event For Unix

Photographer Peter Adams launched a “Faces of Open Source” portrait project in 2014. This week he posted a special announcement on the web site of Bell Labs: Later this month, Bell Labs will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Unix with a special two day “Unix 50” event at their historic Murray Hill headquarters. This event should be one for the history…

A year with 13 Friday the 13ths?

Should we ever adopt the International Fixed Calendar, we’d have 13 months in a year, with each month containing a Friday the 13th. Friggatriskaidekaphobia – aka fear of Friday the 13th – would be rampant! Or not. Read more about this calendar system here. Source:…

How many supermoons in 2019?

We had 3 full supermoons (close full moons) earlier this year. Now we’re having 3 new supermoons (close new moons). The dates are August 1 and 30, plus September 28. The August 30 supermoon will be the closest of this year. Source:…

What are the full moon names?

Lists of common full moon names – both by month and by season – for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Source:…

Black Moon supermoon on July 31

Don’t listen to people who tell you that supermoons are hype. Supermoons aren’t hype; they’re folklore, like Blue Moons or Black Moons or the beloved Harvest Moons. Source:…

What’s a Blood Moon?

In some circles of Christian prophecy, a Blood Moon is a member of a special kind of lunar tetrad : four total lunar eclipses in a row, each separated by six lunar months. By this definition, the last Blood Moon occurred on September 28, 2015. Source:…

Only 2 full moons in a season possible?

We know it’s possible to squeeze 4 full moons into a single season. But can a season have just 2 full moons? Turns out it can. Source:…

May 18 Blue Moon near Antares, Jupiter, Ceres

In North America, the May full moon carries the name Flower Moon. 2019’s May full moon on the 18th is a Blue Moon, the 3rd of 4 moons in a season. This Blue Moon will be near bright Antares and brighter Jupiter. It’ll be poised to occult dwarf planet Ceres. Source:…

When is the next Blue Moon?

You might know the definition of Blue Moon as the 2nd of 2 full moons in a calendar month. But there’s another kind of Blue Moon … coming up on May 18, 2019. Source:…