Study explores a unique filament of the Cygnus X complex

Using the Shanghai 65-m TianMa Radio Telescope (TMRT), Chinese astronomers have investigated a gas filaments of the Cygnus X molecular cloud complex known as DR21SF. Results of the new study, presented in a paper published December 4, shed more light on the properties of this unique structure. Source:…

The Stingray nebula is disappearing

The Hubble Space Telescope has captured never-before-seen images of the rapid fading of the Stingray Nebula. This nebula is a cloud in space, surrounding a dying star. Source:…

A planet-forming disk still fed by the mother cloud

Stellar systems like our own form inside interstellar clouds of gas and dust that collapse producing young stars surrounded by protoplanetary disks. Planets form within these protoplanetary disks, leaving clear gaps, which have been recently observed in evolved systems, at the time when the mother cloud has been cleared out. ALMA has now revealed an evolved protoplanetary disk with a large…

Does the Human Brain Resemble the Universe?

“Does the human brain resemble the Universe?” teases an announcement that an astrophysicist of the University of Bologna and a neurosurgeon of the University of Verona “compared the network of neuronal cells in the human brain with the cosmic network of galaxies…and surprising similarities emerged.” Slashdot reader Iwastheone shares their report: Despite the substantial difference in scale between the two networks…

Transmitting data from space to earth with laser filaments

Could light be used to transmit information between satellites and Earth? Atmospheric water vapor scatters and absorbs light energy, but overcome that obstacle, and light will carry far more information and move it faster than the radio waves we currently rely on. A new research project, supported by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, proposes to use the properties of light itself to…

New NASA posters feature cosmic frights for Halloween

Check out these 3 new posters from NASA’s Galaxy of Horrors, featuring cosmic frights for Halloween. They’re free to download, and available in English and Spanish. Source:…

Here Comes the Internet of Plastic Things, No Batteries Or Electronics Required

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: When technologists talk about the “Internet of Things” (IoT), they often gloss over the fact that all these interconnected things need batteries and electronics to carry out the job of collecting and processing data while they’re communicating to one another. This job is made even more challenging when you consider that many…

What is a galaxy?

We live in a galaxy called the Milky Way. But there is so much more to know about these grand and glorious star islands in space! Click in here, and prepare to have your mind expanded. Source:…