Cops Are Playing Music While Citizens Are Filming To Trigger Copyright Filters

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: Last Friday, a man entered the Beverly Hills police department, only to be treated to a mini DJ set that could potentially get his Instagram account banned. Sennett Devermont was at the department to file a form to obtain body camera footage from an incident in which he received a ticket he felt…

Observer’s challenge: Moon and morning planets on February 8, 9 and 10

Before sunrise on February 8, 9 and 10, 2021, the old moon might guide you to 3 morning planets: Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Fair warning. It won’t be easy to spot the planets so near the sunrise glare! Source:…

Microsoft Launches Viva, Its New Take on the Old Intranet

Microsoft today launched Viva, a new “employee experience platform,” or, in non-marketing terms, its new take on the intranet sites most large companies tend to offer their employees. From a report: This includes standard features like access to internal communications built on integrations with SharePoint, Yammer and other Microsoft tools. In addition, Viva also offers access to team analytics and an…

Observer’s challenge: Venus-Saturn conjunction February 6, 2021

Can you still see Venus in the east before sunrise? It’s easier from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere than from the northern half of the globe. If you can see it, you just might catch the furtive rendezvous of Venus and Saturn at dawn on February 6, 2021. Source:…

Top 12 brightest objects in the solar system

Can you name the top 12 brightest objects in the solar system? How many have you seen without the aid of binoculars or a telescope? Source:…

The Mars-Uranus conjunction of January 2021

Mars and Uranus passed close to each other in a conjunction on January 21, 2021. Photos from the event captured by EarthSky readers available here. Source:…

Has ‘The Mandalorian’ on Disney+ Redeemed the Star Wars Universe?

Today a staff writer at Salon argues “The Mandalorian” has redeemed the Star Wars universe: The Disney+ series “The Mandalorian” has been both a critical triumph and commercial success. In my judgment, it’s the most compelling live-action story in the “Star Wars” universe since 1983’s “Return of The Jedi”. To that end, the story in “The Mandalorian’s” first two seasons about…

Will America’s Next President Break Up Facebook?

With 25 days until Joe Biden becomes America’s next president, Politico writes that throughout the US government, “From lawmakers on Capitol Hill to antitrust enforcers at the Federal Trade Commission, Washington is training its sights on the world’s largest social network like never before.” Biden’s antitrust enforcers will take ownership of a lawsuit the FTC filed this month threatening to dismantle…

ExamSoft Flags One-Third of California Bar Exam Test Takers For Cheating

The California Bar released data last week confirming that during its use of ExamSoft for the October Bar exam, over one-third of the nearly nine-thousand online examinees were flagged by the software. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is concerned that the exam proctoring software is incorrectly flagging students for cheating “due either to the software’s technical failures or to its requirements that…

Nuro Becomes First Company To Receive Commercial Autonomous Vehicle Permit From California DMV

An anonymous reader quotes a report from VentureBeat: Hours after announcing that it acquired self-driving truck startup Ike, Nuro revealed it’s the first company to receive permission from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to charge a fee and receive compensation for its driverless delivery service. Unlike the autonomous testing licenses the California DMV previously granted to Nuro and others,…