New clues in the search for the universe’s oldest galaxies

An astronomer reports on a very old galaxy cluster – labeled XLSSC 122 – whose light has taken 10.4 billion years to travel across the universe to us. Source:…

Tesla Ramps Up Solar Tile Roof Installations In US, Eyes China and Europe Expansion

According to CEO Elon Musk, Tesla appears to be ramping up installations of its solar tile roofs in the San Francisco Bay area, with plans to expand to Europe and China in the not too distant future. TechCrunch reports: The solar tile roof, which Tesla calls Solarglass, is being produced at the company’s factory in Buffalo, N.Y. Musk announced in one…

Clearview AI Wants To Sell Its Facial Recognition To Authoritarian Regimes

popcornfan679 shares a report from Buzzfeed:
Clearview has been touting a “rapid international expansion” to prospective clients using a map that highlights how it either has expanded, or plans to expand, to at least 22 more countries, some of which have committed human rights abuses. The document, part of a presentation given to the North Miami Beach Police Department in November 2019,…

The Mysterious Disappearance of Google’s Click Metric

In Google’s recent end-of-the-year 2019 financial report, the company for the first time disclosed the revenues for YouTube and its Google Cloud unit. However, as Tom Foremski writes via ZDNet, “Google removed key metrics that have been included for more than 15 years: How much money it makes per click (Cost-per-Click (CPC)) and the growth of paid clicks.” From the report:…

Coming Soon: an Open Source eBook Reader

Electronic component distributor Digi-Key will be producing a small manufacturing run of the “open hardware” ereader from the Open Book Project, reports Gizmodo: The raw hardware isn’t as sleek or pretty as devices like the Kindle, but at the same time there’s a certain appeal to the exposed circuit board which features brief descriptions of various components, ports, and connections etched…

Oregon Supreme Court Approves Measure To Limit Self-Checkout Lanes

nickwinlund77 shares a report from Corvallis Gazette-Times: A petition to limit each grocery store to two self-checkout kiosks can move forward to signature gathering for a state ballot measure. On Friday, the Oregon Supreme Court certified the attorney general’s description of the proposed measure. Backers need 112,020 signatures to get to voters’ ballots in November. Filed in July, Initiative Petition 41…

Coursera Appoints Sabrina Simmons to Board of Directors

Coursera’s mission is to transform lives through learning. In addition to equipping 47 million learners with skills of the future, we are advancing our mission by partnering with institutions and communities around the world as they tackle challenges posed by digital disruption. Today, we are excited to announce the expansion of our Board as they […]
The post Coursera Appoints Sabrina Simmons…

Cloudflare is Giving Away Its Security Tools To US Political Campaigns

Network security giant Cloudflare said it will provide its security tools and services to U.S. political campaigns for free, as part of its efforts to secure upcoming elections against cyberattacks and election interference. From a report: The company said its new Cloudflare for Campaigns offering will include distributed denial-of-service attack mitigation, load balancing for campaign websites, a website firewall, and anti-bot…

Cosmic magnifying glasses yield independent measure of universe’s expansion

People use the phrAse “holy cow” to express excitement. Playing with that phrase, researchers from an international collaboration developed an acronym—H0LiCOW—for their project’s name that expresses the excitement over their Hubble Space Telescope measurements of the universe’s expansion rate. Source:…

Good News For Climate Change: India Gets Out of Coal and Into Renewable Energy

“India has been aggressively pivoting away from coal-fired power plants and towards electricity generated by solar, wind, and hydroelectric power,” writes the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Lasrick shared their report: The reasons for this change are complex and interlocking, but one aspect in particular seems to stand out: The price for solar electricity has been in freefall, to levels so…