Microsoft Also Patented Tech to Score Meetings Using Filmed Body Language, Facial Expressions

Remember when Microsoft was criticized for enabling “workplace surveillance” over “productivity scores” in its Microsoft 365 office software which gave managers highly detailed profiles of each individual employee’s activity. Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes:
The Microsoft 365 Productivity Score apparently has roots in another Microsoft patent application for Systems, Methods, and Software for Implementing a Behavior Change Management Program, which also lays…

Pope Francis Prays for Good AI

For his monthly intention in November, Pope Francis prayed that AI will be beneficial for humanity. From a report: It’s up for debate whether the development of automation and AI will ultimately be good for humankind, and it can’t hurt to have a little divine intervention on our side. What he’s saying: “We pray that the progress of robotics and artificial…

What if a Medical Treatment Could Change Your Political Or Religious Beliefs?

A research fellow at the University of Oxford’s Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities writes in Scientific American: How would you feel about a new therapy for your chronic pain, which — although far more effective than any available alternative — might also change your religious beliefs? Or a treatment for lymphoma that brings one in three patients into remission, but…

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specializtion from DeepLearning.AI: Q&A with Sharon Zhou

Sharon Zhou is the instructor for the new Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specialization by DeepLearning.AI. This intermediate-level, three-course Specialization helps learners develop deep learning techniques to build powerful GANs models. Sharon is a CS PhD candidate at Stanford University, advised by Andrew Ng. Sharon’s work in AI spans from the theoretical to the applied — […]
The post Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)…

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specialization from DeepLearning.AI: Q&A with Sharon Zhou

Sharon Zhou is the instructor for the new Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specialization by DeepLearning.AI. This intermediate-level, three-course Specialization helps learners develop deep learning techniques to build powerful GANs models. Sharon is a CS PhD candidate at Stanford University, advised by Andrew Ng. Sharon’s work in AI spans from the theoretical to the applied — […]
The post Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)…

Hope Frozen review: The hard ethics of cryogenically freezing a child

Netflix’s Hope Frozen documentary follows a family in Thailand that cryogenically freezes their 2-year-old daughter’s brain after she dies, creating a controversy-fuelled media storm Source:…

US Company Faces Backlash After Belarus Uses Its Tech To Block Internet

Senators Dick Durbin and Marco Rubio are criticizing Sandvine Inc., the U.S. company whose technology helped Belarus block much of the internet during a disputed presidental election last month. Bloomberg reports: The private-equity-backed technology firm demonstrated its equipment to a government security team in Belarus in May, two people with knowledge of the matter said, and its marketing materials boast of…

Trending online courses in business, data science, tech, and health

With more world-class content launching every week, there are always new topics to explore, new skills to learn, and new ways to achieve your goals. These latest courses, Specializations, Professional Certificates, and MasterTrack™ Certificates cover everything from AI, blockchain, and cybersecurity, to contact tracing, social work, and UX design. What will you learn next?  Business […]
The post Trending online courses in…

Venture Capitalists’ Critiques of Journalism Secretly Leaked to Journalists

A confrontation between venture capitalists and journalists has been slowly playing out on Twitter — and in an incendiary article on VICE US. It started when… A luggage startup’s co-CEO complained on Instagram about young reporters who “forgo their personal ethics.”
A New York Times reporter called the posts “incoherent” and “disappointing.”
Angel investor Balaji S. Srinivasa (also the former CTO of Coinbase)…