The Truth About Equality In STEM

What form does discrimination take in science careers, and how prevalent is it? The STEM Survey 2020 lifts
the lid on prejudice in the workplace Source:…

Pointless Work Meetings ‘Really a Form of Therapy’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Meetings at work should be seen as a form of “therapy” rather than about decision-making, say researchers. Academics from the University of Malmo in Sweden say meetings provide an outlet for people at work to show off their status or to express frustration. Professor Patrik Hall says they are becoming increasingly frequent…

Expanding Healthcare Access Shrinks Inequality in Brazil, Imperial Research Shows

The United Nations has declared reducing inequality as one of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) both within and among countries. This includes a target for countries to adopt social protection policies that “progressively achieve greater equality.” Healthcare is a core concern of those social protection policies, and a recent study shows that expanding access to […]
The post Expanding Healthcare Access Shrinks…

‘Universal Basic Income Doesn’t Work’

An anonymous reader shares an opinion piece from The Guardian, written by analyst, writer and head of social policy for the New Economics Foundation, Anna Coote: A study published this week sheds doubt on ambitious claims made for universal basic income (UBI), the scheme that would give everyone regular, unconditional cash payments that are enough to live on. Its advocates claim…

White identity politics is about more than racism


Our incel problem


How to Avoid Spiritual Egotism and Practice Humbleness

Spirituality could be defined as the practice of bringing one’s ego under control. Many paths instruct adherents to become egoless and to cultivate an attitude of selflessness. “Enlightened” individuals are beings who have transcended the ego and are living in a state of expansive love for all beings. As people progress along the path of […] Source:…