Fastest sunsets happen near equinoxes

We’re talking about the amount of time needed for the body of the sun to sink below the horizon. It’s true. The sun actually sets faster around the time of an equinox. Source:… ‘Our Team Will Teach Your Children At Home While School Is Closed’

theodp writes: In a Medium post, tech-backed explains how it will be supporting our community during school closures, which includes “a major investment in online education without an in-person instructor” and other offerings. From the signup form for Code Break: “With schools closed and tens of millions of students at home, is launching Code Break — a live weekly…

Grit, Google, and Gratitude: Meet Nimisha

A recurring theme in the field of computer science seems to be the rate at which new capabilities are discovered means that it’s never too late to start learning. This rang true in Nimisha’s story, edX’s Chief Architect, who shared her best advice for those new to (or in her case, returning to) web development in this edition of edX Insider….

Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?

Recently a well-respected UI consulting firm (the Nielsen Norman Group) published their analysis of academic studies on the question of whether Dark Mode or Light Mode was better for reading? Cosima Piepenbrock and her colleagues at the Institut für Experimentelle Psychologie in Düsseldorf, Germany studied two groups of adults with normal (or corrected-to-normal) vision: young adults (18 to 33 years old)…

How to Increase Female Participation in STEM (Gender Gap)

While you’ve likely heard the reasons why women leave STEM fields, Dr. Diana Bilimoria researches why they stay along with other ways to develop and advance the careers of women in STEM. Recognized internationally for her leadership and research, Dr. Diana Bilimoria is a Key Bank Professor and Chair of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead […]
The post How to Increase Female…

Facebook Workplace Co-Founder Launches Downtime Fire Alarm Kintaba

Facebook Workplace co-founder John Egan is launching Kintaba, “a more holistic solution to incident response,” reports TechCrunch. From the report: Code failure downtimes, server outages and hack attacks plague engineering teams. Yet the tools for waking up the right employees, assembling a team to fix the problem and doing a post-mortem to assess how to prevent it from happening again can…

Are There Generational Differences In First Coding Languages and Learning Resources?

“Under the age of 39? Odds are that most of your peers learned to code in C. “Most Baby Boomers and Gen Xers — or, those between the ages of 40 and 74 in 2020 — learned to code in BASIC.” That’s just one of the interesting conclusions from HackerRank’s third annual “Developer Skills Report,” which this year compiled responses from…

Learn and take action with three new Teach-Outs from JHU, Emory, and the University of Michigan

A guest post written by:  Benjamin Morse, Design Manager University of Michigan Stephanie Parisi, Associate Director of Instructional Design Emory University @snparisi  Rebecca G. Williams, Research Program Manager Johns Hopkins University @rebecca_gwen Our world is evolving rapidly and the need to understand complex societal issues and engage in productive and civil discourse has never been […]
The post Learn and take action…

edX Insider: Data Analysis in Marketing

Even if you don’t work in the data science field, data analysis skills and tools are still very likely to come in handy. We chatted with a few members of the edX marketing team to find out the ways these skills arise in their day-to-day work, how they were able to pick up on tools in this field despite not having…