Julian Assange Charged in Superseding Indictment

A federal grand jury returned a second superseding indictment today charging Julian P. Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, with offenses that relate to Assange’s alleged role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the United States. DOJ, in a press release: The new indictment does not add additional counts to the prior 18-count superseding indictment…

Trump Administration Says Huawei, Hikvision Backed By Chinese Military

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: The Trump administration has determined that top Chinese firms, including telecoms equipment giant Huawei Technologies and video surveillance company Hikvision, are owned or controlled by the Chinese military, laying the groundwork for new U.S. financial sanctions, according to a document seen by Reuters on Wednesday. The list of 20 companies that Washington alleges…

Has the Time Finally Come for Generics in Golang?

An anonymous reader quotes technology columnist Mike Melanson: The debate around adding generics to the Go programming language has been going on for years now, often with much resistance, but it’s starting to look like one proposal finally has some backing and general acceptance from the greater Go community — much to the surprise of some involved. Introduced this week…

Cell Phone Pings Lead Investigators to Buried Bodies

Slashdot reader rufey writes: Earlier this month, the bodies of two children were discovered buried in the backyard of Chad Daybell, the current husband of the childrens’ mother, Lori. In the recently released probable cause document released this week, it was revealed that location data obtained from cell phone GPS and tower pings from persons of interest played a large role…

Google Resumes Its Senseless Attack On the URL Bar, Hides Full Addresses On Chrome 85

Google is pressing on with new plans to hide all parts of web addresses except the domain name. Android Police reports: A few new feature flags have appeared in Chrome’s Dev and Canary channels (V85), which modify the appearance and behavior of web addresses in the address bar. The main flag is called “Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Path, Query, and…

Chrome Criticized Over ‘Senseless Attack on the URL Bar’

The site Android Police is calling out new feature flags in Chrome’s early-release Dev and Canary channels (V85) “which modify the appearance and behavior of web addresses in the address bar.” The main flag is called “Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Path, Query, and Ref” which hides everything in the current web address except the domain name… There are two additional…

A Spaceflight Engineer Recovers the Lost Software For Apollo 10’s Lunar Module

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: Vintage computing enthusiasts have recreated NASA’s legendary “Apollo Guidance Computer,” the 1960s-era assembly-language onboard guidance and navigation computer for the Apollo missions to the moon. Unfortunately, the software had been lost for the Apollo 10 mission (a manned “dress rehearsal” mission which flew to the moon eight weeks before Neil Armstrong’s famous moonwalk mission). But spaceflight…

Germany Bans Digital Doppelganger Passport Photos

Germany will outlaw the morphing of passport photos, in which pictures of two people are digitally combined, making it possible to assign multiple identities to a single document. Reuters reports: Morphing can trick artificial intelligence used at passport control into recognizing different individuals. The government on Wednesday backed a law requiring people to either have their photo taken at a passport…

Huawei Hid Business Operation in Iran After Reuters Reported Links To CFO

China’s Huawei acted to cover up its relationship with a firm that had tried to sell prohibited U.S. computer gear to Iran, after Reuters in 2013 reported deep links between the firm and the telecom-equipment giant’s chief financial officer, newly obtained internal Huawei documents show. From the report: Huawei has long described the firm — Skycom Tech — as a separate…

2018 ‘Hacking Attempt’ Claimed By Georgia Was A Security Test They’d Requested Themselves

An anonymous reader quotes the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
It was a stunning accusation: Two days before the 2018 election for Georgia governor, Republican Brian Kemp used his power as secretary of state to open an investigation into what he called a “failed hacking attempt” of voter registration systems involving the Democratic Party. But newly released case files from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation…