People in China have more salt in their diet than anyone else in world

People in China consume 10 grams of salt each day on average – the most of any country and twice the level recommended to avoid risks including stroke Source:…

Cooking skills aren’t enough to make you eat a healthy diet

A lack of cooking skills has been linked to eating poorer diets, but a study of culinary students has found kitchen skills don’t always lead to a better diet Source:…

Why everything you know about nutrition is wrong

Are carbs good for you? Or eggs? Every week seems to bring contradictory new diet advice. New Scientist unpicks the surprising flaws in nutritional science Source:…

The scientific nutrition facts you really need to inform your diet

re carbs good for you? Or eggs? Every week seems to bring contradictory new diet advice. New Scientist unpicks the surprising flaws in nutritional science Source:…

6 amazing facts about ants

It’s summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. And summertime is ant time. Here are 6 things about ants you might not know. Source:…

Meds Prescriptions For 78,000 Patients Left In a Database With No Password

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: A MongoDB database was left open on the internet without a password, and by doing so, exposed the personal details and prescription information for more than 78,000 U.S. patients. The database contained information on 391,649 prescriptions for a drug named Vascepa; used for lowering triglycerides (fats) in adults that are on a low-fat…

Strange fat cells in our bones grow rather than shrink when we starve

A special kind of fat cell in our bones grows when other cells shrink – a finding that could help explain the benefits of a calorie-restricted diet Source:…