Laptops, Desktop Sales See ‘Renaissance;’ Shortages Won’t Ease Until 2022

The world stocked up on laptop and desktop computers in 2020 at a level not seen since the iPhone debuted in 2007, and manufacturers still are months away from fulfilling outstanding orders, hardware industry executives and analysts said. Reuters reports: Remote learning and working has upturned the computer market during the coronavirus pandemic, zapping sales of smartphones while boosting interest in…

Will Businesses Make 2021 The Year of the Linux Desktop?

Writing for TechRepublic, open source advocate Jack Wallen predicts 2021 will be a year where open source technology dominates the world of big data even more than 2021 (with a big role predicted for SUSE). But he also sees businesses cutting costs by switching to open source solutions — including a big move to Linux on enterprise desktops, thanks to enterprise-ready…

Urban Explorers Discover A Treasure Trove Of Soviet Computing Power

“The building did not stand out. Unremarkable industrial building, which was built in hundreds of Soviet cities,” explains a web site called Russian Urban Exploration. Hackaday describes what happened next:
It’s probably a dream most of us share, to stumble upon a dusty hall full of fascinating abandoned tech frozen in time as though its operators walked away one day and simply…

JavaScript Turns 25

The programming language JavaScript emerged 25 years ago and has grown to become one of the most important pieces of the web and browser applications we use today. From a report: JavaScript is the go-to language for front-end development and has spawned Microsoft’s Typescript, a superset of JavaScript with a stronger optional type system for developers that compiles to JavaScript when…

Hector Martin Promises To Bring Linux To the M1 Chip

Joe2020 writes: Famous developer Hector Martin who put Linux on the PS4 now wants to port Linux to the new Apple M1, and he wants to do it with the help of crowdfunding by making it his full-time job. One can find his official pledge for support here. “Since these devices are brand new and bespoke silicon, porting Linux to run…

Linus Torvalds Would Like To Use An M1 Mac For Linux, But…

Yes, Torvalds said he’d love to have one of the new M1-powered Apple laptops, but it won’t run Linux and, in an exclusive interview he explains why getting Linux to run well on it isn’t worth the trouble. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols writes via ZDNet: Recently, on the Real World Technologies forum, Linux’s creator Linus Torvalds was asked what he thought of…

Mass-Produced, Librem 5 Linux Smartphone Begins Shipping to Customers

This week Purism began shipping its mass-produced Librem 5 phone to customers, according to announcement from the company: The Librem 5 is a one-of-a-kind general-purpose computer in a phone form-factor that Purism has designed and built from scratch following a successful crowdfunding campaign that raised over $2.2 million. Both the hardware and software design is focused on respecting the end user’s…

‘Ubuntu Web Remix’ Distro Offers Firefox-Based Chrome OS Alternative

Rudra Saraswat is the creator of the Ubuntu Unity distro (which uses the Unity interface in place of Ubuntu’s GNOME shell). But this week they released Ubuntu Web Remix, “a privacy-focused, open source alternative to Google Chrome OS/Chromium OS” using Firefox instead of Google Chrome/Chromium. Liliputing reports: If the name didn’t give it away, this operating system is based on Ubuntu,…

Faster magnetic switch with lower energy consumption developed

Magnetic materials are ubiquitous in modern society, present in nearly all the technological devices we use every day. In particular, personal electronics like smartphones/watches, tablets, and desktop computers all rely on magnetic material to store information. Information in modern devices is stored in long chains of 1’s and 0’s, in the binary number system used as the language of computers. …

Apple’s M1 Is Exceeding Expectations

Reviews are starting to pour in of Apple’s MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and Mac Mini featuring the new M1 ARM-based processor — and they’re overwhelmingly positive. “As with the Air, the Pro’s performance exceeds expectations,” writes Nilay Patel via The Verge. “Apple’s next chapter offers strong performance gains, great battery and starts at $999,” says Brian Heater via TechCrunch. “When Apple…