Watch Mars disappear behind the moon on February 18

Given clear skies, all of the U.S. (except Alaska and Hawaii) can watch the red planet Mars disappear behind the moon – or reappear, or both – on the morning of February 18, 2020. Source:…

Elementary OS Wants to Crowdfund a Better Distro-Independent ‘AppCenter for Everyone’

In 2017 Elementary OS built a pay-what-you-want app store — funded with $10,000 raised on IndieGogo. Now they’re trying to raise another $10,000 for a one-week, in-person sprint in Denver, Colorado, Forbes reports, to upgrade the store while bringing an even grander concept to reality:
That concept comprises 4 main goals: – Enable open source developers to monetize their apps on every…

Move Over, Silicon Valley: St. Louis, Atlanta, Small Cities Gaining Tech Jobs

Slashdot reader SpaceForceCommander shared Dice’s new annual report on America’s tech industry salaries based on a survey of over 12,800 “technologists”: Columbus and St. Louis enjoyed double-digit year-over-year growth in salaries (14.2 percent and 13.6 percent, respectively), and other cities such as Denver [7 percent] and Atlanta [10 percent] also experienced an ideal mix of growth and high salaries. These up-and-comers…

Joel Hodgson Tours America in His Final Live Shows With ‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’

With some help from his robot (puppet) friends, TV’s Joel Hodgson will heckle the movies “Circus of Horrors” and “No Retreat, No Surrender” live in San Francisco today — before heading out to 26 other American cities (including Austin, Denver, Boise, and Salt Lake City). It’s a final farewell tour for Joel, as local media outlets try to find an appropriate…

The Snail-Mail Card is Taking on More Significance in the Age of Social Media

In the age of social media, the snail-mail holiday photo card is taking on more significance. Permanent, physical photos stand out, and families are realizing they can be used to convey important life changes — without having to put them into words. People are using the images on cards to signal major transitions, including divorce, illness and adoption. From a report:…

Astronomers spy the Geminid meteors’ dust trail in space

Astronomers held a press conference this week to discuss the trail of dust left by 3200 Phaethon – the mysterious, blue rock-comet that spawns the Geminid meteor shower each year. This object was one of the 1st to blur the distinction between asteroids and comets. Source:…

Earliest sunsets for 40 degrees N. around now

Earliest sunsets for 30 degrees N. were centered on late November and early December. Earliest sunsets at mid-northern latitudes are happening now. S. Hemisphere? Watch for your earliest sunrises. Source:…

System76 Will Start Designing and Building Its Own Linux Laptops Beginning January 2020

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Forbes: Denver-based PC manufacturer and Pop!_OS Linux developer System76 plans to follow-up its custom Thelio desktop PC with an in-house laptop beginning next year, according to founder and CEO Carl Richell. During a recent interview, Richell was quick to emphasize that the entire process of designing, prototyping and iterating the final product could take…

Transit of Mercury on November 11, 2019

Our solar system’s innermost planet, Mercury passes directly in front of the sun on November 11, 2019. Who will see it, how to watch, equipment needed, transit times. Source:…

Verizon’s 5G Network Can Only Cover ‘Certain Seating Areas’ In a Basketball Stadium

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechSpot: 5G wireless technology is the next big thing in the mobile industry, and ISPs are pushing it quite heavily. Unfortunately for Verizon, the company’s efforts to promote its implementation of 5G have not been perfect lately. The ISP announced that its 5G network would be available in three NBA arenas (with seven more…