Giant Waves of Sand Are Moving On Mars

“Researchers have spotted large waves of martian sand migrating for the first time,” reports Science magazine. “The discovery dispels the long-held belief that these ‘megaripples’ haven’t moved since they formed hundreds of thousands of years ago. They’re also evidence of stronger-than-expected winds on the Red Planet.” It’s pretty staggering that humans can detect these changes on Mars, says Ralph Lorenz, a…

Earliest sunsets for 40 degrees N. around now

Earliest sunsets for 30 degrees N. were centered on late November and early December. Earliest sunsets at mid-northern latitudes are happening now. S. Hemisphere? Watch for your earliest sunrises. Source:…

Why Two Pentesters In Iowa Are Facing A Criminal Investigation and Trespassing Charges

Ars Technica’s security editor re-visits the story of two security penetration testers from Coalfire who were arrested one midnight in the county courthouse in Adel, Iowa (population 3,682): “They were crouched down like turkeys peeking over the balcony,” Dallas County Sheriff Chad Leonard said in an interview. “Here we are at 12:30 in the morning confronted with this issue — on…