CDC’s Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Guide: The Blog That Will Not Die

The CDC published a blog post about zombies 10 years ago and news outlets simply will not shut up about it.Source:…

Playing dead really works to help insects avoid being eaten by birds

Insects avoid being eaten by playing dead, because birds are easily distracted by other nearby insects that are still moving Source:…

The hunt for the quantum collapse

The most famous cat in science is Schrödinger’s cat, the quantum mechanical mammal, which can exist in a superposition, a state that is alive as well as dead. The moment you look at it, one of both options is chosen. Leiden University physicists simulated an experiment to catch this mysterious moment of choice red handed. …

Quantum leap: how we discovered a new way to create a hologram

Once, holograms were just a scientific curiosity. But thanks to the rapid development of lasers, they have gradually moved center stage, appearing on the security imagery for credit cards and bank notes, in science fiction movies—most memorably Star Wars—and even “live” on stage when long-dead rapper Tupac reincarnated for fans at the Coachella music festival in 2012. …

Dark streaks on Mars may be caused by salts and melting ice

Researchers at the SETI Institute say that unusual dark streaks on sun-facing slopes on Mars, debated about for years, may be small landslides caused by a combination of salts and melting ice just below the surface. Source:…

White dwarfs wear the crushed corpses of planets in their atmospheres

When a star collapses into a white dwarf, it throws its solar system into total chaos. Sometimes, that chaos leaves a mark in its atmosphere. Source:

A record deadly week for US avalanches in early February

2021 has brought a deadly avalanche season. “We’re only halfway through the season and we’re 3/4 of the way to the number of fatalities we’d see in a typical year. The dangerous, record-breaking year keeps avalanche forecasters up at night,” one expert said. Source:…

Is the Dyatlov Pass incident solved?

The Dyatlov Pass incident has intrigued people for generations, but a new theory pointing to a slab avalanche as the culprit does a thorough job of explaining how the 9 Russian trekkers died. A new video and more here. Source:…