The curious case of the “glacier mice” that seem to dance on ice

Fuzzy moss balls that colonise glaciers and move in perfect unison have puzzled scientists for decades. Now, thanks to some painstaking surveillance, they are finally giving up their secrets Source:…

In the mysterious Blue Ring Nebula, scientists see the fate of binary stars

Scientists have discovered a rare object called the Blue Ring Nebula, a ring of hydrogen gas with a star at its center. The properties of this system suggest it is the remnant of two stars meeting their ultimate demise: an inward orbital dance that resulted in the two stars merging. The result offers a new window into the fate of many…

November butterflies!

Lovely photos of November butterflies from an ashram garden in India. Source:…

Here are 3 amazing feats of spiders

Halloween time is spider time. Three amazing spider skills you might not have known about. Source:…

AMD Grabs Xilinx for $35 Billion as Chip Industry Consolidation Continues

The chip industry consolidation dance continued this morning as AMD has entered into an agreement to buy Xilinx for $35 billion, giving the company access to a broad set of specialized workloads. From a report: AMD sees this deal as combining two companies that complement each other’s strengths without cannibalizing its own markets. CEO Lisa Su believes the acquisition will help…

Netflix Indicted By Texas Grand Jury Over ‘Lewd’ Depiction of Children In ‘Cuties’

A Texas grand jury indicted Netflix for the “lewd” representation of children in the controversial French film “Cuties.” The Hill reports: The Sept. 23 indictment shows the Tyler County Grand Jury charged the popular streaming site for “promotion of lewd visual material depicting child” for its drama about a young girl who is torn between her conservative Muslim family’s values and…

What is a galaxy?

We live in a galaxy called the Milky Way. But there is so much more to know about these grand and glorious star islands in space! Click in here, and prepare to have your mind expanded. Source:…

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx to asteroid Bennu: ‘You’ve got a little Vesta on you’

In an interplanetary faux pas, it appears some pieces of asteroid Vesta ended up on asteroid Bennu, according to observations from NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. The new result sheds light on the intricate orbital dance of asteroids and on the violent origin of Bennu, which is a “rubble pile” asteroid that coalesced from the fragments of a massive collision. Source:…

Maunakea observatories discover three pairs of merging supermassive black holes

A cosmic dance between two merging galaxies, each one containing a supermassive black hole that’s rapidly feeding on so much material it creates a phenomenon known as a quasar, is a rare find. Source:…